
What kind of people annoy you the most ?

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What kind of people annoy you the most ?




  1. people that thank thay know it all if thay would listen thay might learn somethang  

  2. talk show hosts game show hosts and news hosts



  3. -people who pretend to be your friend and betray (backstabbers)


    - spoiled or greedy people

    - S****y people

    - people who judge you before getting to know you

    - two faced people

    i guess thats all

  4. people who are stuck up and think there better than everyone else. and are mean to everyone besides there like 6 friends

  5. super by-the-book people!  

  6. people who boss you around

  7. Bullies and selfish ones.

  8. Arrogant, stuck up, chauvinistic, liars and hypocrites worst traits anyone could have.

    Dont do as i do, do as i say! .....annoying isnt it!

  9. attention seekers who always have to be the center of attention and never let anyone else get a word in and also people who try too hard to be something they're not and you can see right through them.  

  10. The ones that THINK they know everything.

  11. over confident people really annoy me..

  12. jelous people

  13. rich people  

  14. i hate...

    them ppl tht be loud and rude

    them ppl tht act like they dont kno any better

    them ppl who act like a dumb blonde when they really not

    them ppl who shows no concern for others/ stuck up

    them ppl who judge me by my looks

    them ppl...

  15. People that think they're better than everyone else.

  16. close minded people.

    people who think they're way is the right way.

    people who think their **** doesn't stink.

    people who think they're way better than others.

  17. normal people, whats the point in blending in?

  18. People that judge others without getting to know them first

    People that ***** about you

    People who act all hard

    etc. etc. there are many people that annoy me, I just ignore them

  19. The kind of miserable sods who report, report, report..........

  20. People who are selfish and mean, and who think they're better than everyone else and act like they're superior to us. And people who are sheep.

  21. Selfish people, greedy people & also ones who moan a lot.

  22. wannabies, some idiots think they are gangsta's because of the numbers, and the way they listen to "RAP", and also they earn money from their parents...  WTF?

    i know many guys who are "real" ganstas, who earns money the real gangstas do

  23. Mr or Mrs Goody Two Shoes

  24. Bigots.

  25. Nosey people... mainly those who watch Big Brother, read magazines about celebrity scandles, etc etc

  26. The cheerleaders! Even though I am one.. people say I don't act like them.. They just bug me..

  27. fake people, or people who think they're all that

  28. The types who stop talking to you for no reason - then start talking to you again like nothing happened.

  29. Hi

    I don't let people annoy me, why should I let others interfere with my life?

    Ray. West York's .U.K.

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