
What kind of people are you?

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why are my eyes blue? i should have never asked that question....why would someone tell me i am adopted or that my mom cheated on my dad? some people on this site are so messed up! who would tell a 12 yr old that? I WAS NOT ADOPTED can someone explain why people are so mean...?




  1. People are mean because this is the web and people can be anonymous, therefore, they think they can say anything they want without consequences. You said you are 12 yrs old. Perhaps this isn't the place for you to be yet. You will find that in cyberspace, one will find ALL kinds of messed up people with serious issues. If you haven't found that out in school, where people are cruel in the real world, well, why would you expect anything different in cyberspace? I am not trying to "diss" your bad experience just telling you how things are. Peace :)

  2. It becomes a bad habit. Some people actually think they are  being smart.

  3. Kailey, some people have no thought of others feelings and that is how they get their jollies is by hurting others. There are many people looking for honest answers here but also many that need to get a life and are here to make fun and act like jerks. Don,t let them get to you. People here can relate to what you are saying but you have to understand that there are also people here who prey on people like you. Just ignore them.

  4. that's how alot of people just are.  they hide behind their computer knowing that you won't ever be able to find them.  people like that sense of control of making other peoples lives a living h**l.  don't take it personally next time.

  5. Give it a couple will be the same.

    When you actually have to pay bills, have responsibilities...

    When you actually see the world for the way it is....sometimes lashing out on a question like that is necessary.

    The inheritance pattern followed by blue eyes is considered similar to that of a recessive trait, however it is a polygenic trait (meaning that it is controlled by the interactions of several genes, not just one).

  6. I'm nice.  Most of the people on Answers are nice.  Don't give up on us.  .

  7. So I looked over those questions and you are really too sensitive.  They were not being mean.  If you haven't noticed, many people are adopted.  How would someone who doesn't know you know if you are adopted or not?  It's quite upsetting that you think being adopted is that bad.  Please do not put down people who are adopted.  It is a valid option to why you might look different from your parents and there is nothing wrong with being adopted.

    Also we happen to live in a world where people have multiple marriages and families are blended.  Do not call someone messed up because they have a Dad who is not their Biological Father.  It is rather mean that you would say that as they have a father who loves them.

    Crying about getting multiple answers to a question is ridiculous.  It's like when a bride asks what colors she should use and someone says Pink.  The fact that the Bride hates pink is not something a random stranger would know and the suggestion is not said to hurt her feelings but to suggest an answer to her question.

    You got multiple answers to why you don't look like your parents.  Genetically it is odd that you have blue eyes as that is the recessive gene.  But it can happen.  You may also have alternate options like your step dad is not your birth father or you were adopted.  I'm sorry if you cannot handle that there are multiple answers to a question.  The truth is not suppose to be hurtful but as we do not know you--we are merely suggesting answers.

    I think 12 is too young to be on this site.  If a mere explanation as to the way the world works is so upsetting, I think you should not ask questions.  You are just too young.

  8. Ignore them,they are behind a pc and they feel big!

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