
What kind of people have "t-squares" in their charts? What kind of things do they go on to achieve in life?

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What kind of people have "t-squares" in their charts? What kind of things do they go on to achieve in life?




  1. i have one.i was told it was bad when i was 16.i dont think so.achievements?college.gr8 job which i love(had a lot of bad jobs b4 i got it,like evry1 else!).gr8 husband,gr8 marriage.frequent world nobel prize or world fame,but except for a few bad boyfriends and bad jobs early on,i'd say its all turned out well thus far.what any of that means with a t-square,im not sure !!!!(libra.mid-30's.)

  2. A lot depends on the quality of the t-square whether it is cardinal, fixed or mutable. A cardinal tsquare is going to involve more concrete achievements and outer activity than a mutable one which may just involve hyperactivity of the mind.

  3. I think T-squares are fairly common in the average person's chart because of the cosmic alignments at any given point of time. I have one myself in the natal chart. With that said, it also usually involves at least one or two of the outer planets such as Saturn, Pluto, Uranus etc..

    If we view everything from a karmic perspective, then those with T-Squares surely have some tough lessons to learn because the T-square is not an easy configuration to overcome. Firstly, it consists of 2 opposing planets which are in turn squared by a third. There are in fact, 3 hard aspects to consider here - 1 opposition & 2 Squares. The focal point of the T-Square configuration is in fact, the third planet squaring the other 2. The individual thus has some deep karmic issue to resolve where the 3rd planet is concerned, both by Sign & House placement.

    On one hand, this configuration is a challenging one but on the other, it enables the individual to push the limits and overcome the barriers/challenges in order to achieve outstanding results. If handled well by a mature individual, this can lead to many successful breakthroughs and accomplishments in any endeavor, be it science & technology or the creative arts.

    The important thing is to channel the energies caused by the stress and tension created by the 2 squares into something of great importance and interest to the individual..this is more of an internal struggle where the inner energies face a dead end and have to re-navigate and change their directions in order for results to show.

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