
What kind of people seek white babies?

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From what I see, most people think white babies are "in demand". Who are the ones seeking white babies? is it white people? I have a white son and I am hispanic, but I never looked for a white child, he just is.

Just curious what others think.




  1. I am not longer able to have my own children and am looking into adoption.

    I wouldn't look for a specific color, I am white and I would love any child no matter what color he/she is.

    Good Luck! ♥ and congrats on your adoption.

  2. I think people do this for various reasons. They may want the child to look like them for example. Our reason was that we live in a very small town that we feel is also small minded. We did not think it would be fair to raise a child in that environment and due to our jobs and family etc didn't see us moving. I'm Hispanic also and wanted a hispanic child but all the agencies we talked to and there were a lot. Hispanic in general do not give up their babies for adoption. We would have waited for years and years.

  3. I do believe racism is at the heart of the demand for white babies, but it's not always the racism of the adoptive parents.   One of my co-workers, who is of Eastern European descent, adopted two Bulgarian children.   The process was difficult and expensive, and he would just as soon have adopted from an Asian country.  However, his parents and his wife's parents stated most emphatically that they would have nothing to do with a child who was obviously of another race.  Since this couple felt that the support of their extended family was critical to the success of the adoption, they gave into this pressure.

    My family is a very mixed bag as far as race and ethnicity is concerned.  They had no problem with my three Chinese daughters, and would have been fine also with African American or biracial children.

  4. I guess some people feel more comfortable with a child of their own race.  I don't know why, but I guess that's just them.  There are a lot of white people looking to adopt, but everyone I know that has adopted children take whoever comes their way.

  5. your right...and I dont understnd why people are looking for only Caucasian children. Race shouldnt matter..a baby is a baby

  6. Just because a couple wants a child that resembles themselves, doesn't mean they are racist. Maybe they don't want ppl gossiping or whispering "did mom have an affair?", "is that not their *real* child", whisper whisper. Ppl are nosey creatures. And there are many out there that think because your white, you can't give a black child the historical upbringing that black parents can give. Me myself, I would love a brown haired hispanic child :D, but im very european, and all my kids have blue eyes. But kids arent puppies, are they? If I couldnt have kids naturally, i would want a child to resemble me, but the need to have a kid would outweigh the "looks" of a kid. Unless he had three eyes, thats pushing it.

  7. Since this is an opinion question, In America too many people judge you for things they may think are not right.  White people with a black baby is not normal, black people with a white baby same thing.  Therefore people tend to look for what is normal, anyways they have a choice right?  I think some people may think of the child and how the world may treat it when it is older.  In all actuality a baby is a blessing no matter what color it is.  And people who are unable to experience their own children, are just as blessed to get someone elses.

  8. When I adopt I want to adopt a baby from Africa

  9. The majority of people who adopt in the US are white.  for several reasons one they are in the majority so just staisticly it would make more sense that they would adopt more. Two some cultures it is not as acceptabel for what ever reason.

    Ok with the above info in mind.  People adopt because they want a family.   Many try to have kids naturally and can't.  They have an idea of their family in thier head and it includes a child that looks like them and is healthy. For those types of adoptive parents they want to adopt a child that is white like them.  They often times want to pretend that the child is their biologically.  Then their also the concern of what will life be like for a minority in a white home/community /school. Will they be discrimanted agaisnt will they not understand their own culture.

  10. People who want white babies.  Most white people want white babies.

    Most people who adopt non-white babies go to other countries where the people are poor and powerless to procure kids who are non-white.  Then call other adopters "bigots".

    Instead of patting themselves on the back, maybe they should have adopted from foster care, where is would be easier, and less expensive to adopt a 'non-white' child.

    But that might involve complications, like open adoptions, and the infamous 'baby-mama drama'.

  11. THey are more in demand, because there tend to be fewer up for adoption when considering the percentage of 'white people' there are in this country.  I think typically it is just white people that prefer white children - but simply because it's easier to raise a child that is the same color as you.  Just one less complication in the challenges that arise when you're raising kids.  I would have any issue with you having a white son, it is not as typical, of course, but it doesn't make it improper by any stretch of the imagination.

    This is all opinion - I have no adoption experience.

  12. Because they are self-centered and do not want to be made "uncomfortable" with questions about their child.

    Lets call it what it is!

    Why it is easy to say ALL children need love no matter what color you do need to prepare yourself and your eventual child for the reality that some people are just idiots and will say things. Do  not kid take more then just love. It takes awareness....understanding....acceptance...

  13. Of the five individuals that I personally know who are adopted, including my own daughter, NONE are white and ALL are adopted by white couples.

    I don't know who these people are that only want white babies.

  14. Good question. I haven't seen proof to make this theory stick. I know many adoptees, whether they are family or friends, & NONE are white. I don't think people necessarily look for white babies, but look for a baby in general. Most people wanting to adopt don't care what the race of the child is, they just want to adopt.

  15. White people seek to adopt white babies.

    Do you think black or oriental people would want to adopt a white baby ? I doubt it very seriously.

  16. People who adopt inside their race are generally a bit more conservative, less open, and live more traditional lives.  OR they may be exclusive, meaning they think whatever they are about is the way to be.  Or, they may be prejudiced.  And anything in between.

    But there are tons of parents wanting to adopt a child of any race, or specific races not their own.  In this day and age, there is never a shortage of families for any race baby!

  17. I am white and have an Ethiopian son.  Race was never a consideration for me.  However, I am myself adopted, and I know my adoptive parents wanted a child that would look like their child (I was born in 1966).  "Looking like our biological child" was likely more the reason for white kids being "in demand" than a bais against kids of color, but I'm just guessing.  I suspect this is becoming less and less the case.  Nevertheless, there are many things to consider when adopting a child who does not look at all like you; unlike with "same race" adoptions, the kid never really has the opportunity to choose whether or not to tell folks he's adopted.  And it is critical to preserve and respect the kid's birth culture, to the extent the kid is comfortable with that, so the kid knows he is valued for who he is genetically as well as who he is in your family.  A great book to read is Lois Ruskai Melina's "Raising Adopted Children."

  18. The answer is anyone who wants to only parent a whilte child.

    I am a white mother with a hispanic son.

  19. today it is much easier to adopt other races- when my husband and I started our adoption process with the county we are in- at that time, they told us that we could not adopt out of our race- and we knew 2 children that were in foster care that were Hispanic and we were told no- or we would have adopted them with no problem.   We do have 2 precious Caucasian children that we know were given us by the gracious hand of God- however those 2 precious Hispanic children would have been welcomed into our home as well, if at the time, which was over 20 years ago, would have been allowed.

  20. I guess most people who adopt are white... I don't know this, I just think it is a logical explanation. And, because they are white and cannot have their own children they want one who is as close to looking like them as possible. Personally, I think it would be hard for me just to deal with all the negative feedback I would get for say being white and adopting a black baby... I am just really sensative though. My husband and I may adopt one day but are fortunate to be expecting our first child currently. We had not talked about if we only want a "white baby" or whatever. I guess I wouldn't be picky. A baby IS a baby after all. They are all adorable. I'd just have to put my feelings aside and give my all to being a good mother no matter if my baby looked like me or not... I dunno, just an opinion.

  21. Some might be unwilling to take a child of a different race for many reasons. If their family is racist or would be un accepting, they might not want to stand out when they go out which is going to happen with a family that has more then 1 race in it. They might not feel up to deal with issues they would have to face if they adopted a minority child/baby. Maybe they live in an undiverse area or small town, those place tend to be more unrace friendly then diverse places.

  22. Usually caucasian people seek out caucasian babies.  But I can tell you from 10 years in the field, healthy babies typically get adopted no matter the color of their skin.

    I'm convinced if I received a purple baby in foster care....15 purple parents would be calling my office within 2 hours.

    African American babies, Caucasian babies, Hispanic Babies, Native American babies....BABY is the key thing....People adopt babies.

    It is my kids over 6 that I can't find homes for...and it makes me sad.

  23. Being a white, adoptive parent, I could love any child, however, our adopted son looks some like my fiance, and he gets so excited when people comment on it.  Many families seek a child that might not even know for quite some time that they are adopted, and in that case, a child of a different race would automatically know.  

    Also, with the economics, there seem to be so many more children of different races in the system already, and very few white children compared to the other races.  It is a shame that we all just can't get along and take care of ALL of the children.  

    The worst part about the matter is, that within our societies, there unfortunately are prejudicial people within family structure that wouldn't accept a child of a different race within their family.  Those idiots are the ones who ought to be shipped out, but in the event that a grandparent or aunt or uncle says something about adopting a child of a different race, it can be very stressing on a child who is adopted by people who are different than them.

    My pastor's family adopted a beautiful little girl who was born meth addicted, and happened to be black.  She has now grown up to be a well-adjusted young teen, and is very loved.  When she was very small, her mother needed to know how to style her curly hair, and was really treated rudely by the black hairstylist, who finally taught her how, for the child's sake, but the prejudicial treatment was not just on the white side.  It happens from every aspect, and people just don't seem to be as comfortable mixing families through adopting of different races.  We all just need to respect each family's love and openess to every child, and if anyone is ignorant enough to not like it, they need to keep their big yaps shut and bug out.

  24. White people may look more for white kids.

    Unless your Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

  25. I think that you are going to have the segment of the (Caucasian) adoptive parent population that don't want to adopt outside their race due to bigoted reasons.

    Other than that, some Caucasian adoptive parents don't feel they can handle the issues that are associated with transracial adoption.  Maybe it is the looks a diverse family gets everytime they go anywhere, some approving, some disapproving, but it is attention regardless.  And some people aren't comfortable with it.

    Maybe their community or extended family would not support a transracially adopted child and therefore do not think their family would be a good fit.

    Transracial adoptions have special considerations and circumstances unique to the situation.  If adoptive parents are unwilling or unable to meet the needs of the child, then transracial adoption isn't for them.

  26. We never thought it was important to us, a kid is a kid to us and if we are helping a family then it doesn't matter.  We are in process of adopting family of three children.  When the eldest boy (6) was asked what he wanted in a family, he asked for white he a racist in the making, i don't think so, but he was identifying a desire to look like his parents, as his foster parents are african canadians.  

    I think wherever possible a cultural match is best for the child; however, there are more minority children (black, ABoriginal, etc.) in foster care without homes, and that is where culture should be important yes, but if there are no cultural matches then a good home that is not a cultural match woudl be second best, (well third best, first best woudl be if his/her family worked out and they weren't in foster care) chance; however it is important if adoptiong a child from other culture that you explore that culture with the child as they grow.....

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