
What kind of people/what make you mad most these days?

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For me it's people who say they are not going to vote for Barack Obama just because he's black and/or they think he's Muslim. I'm not American though, the racism and bigotry part get my nervous.

What kind of people or what make you mad most these days




  1. Right now I'm a little hot at my co-worker because when he's there he barely works, gives wrong info and beats on the desk like gotdamn Ricky Ricardo playing 'Babaloo'.  Now, he's been repeatedly calling in sick or finding reasons not to show up for work. I get some peace but things still need to be done!

    From someone who has been unemployed, I say either quit or transfer so that someone who needs that job (and is probably more qualified) can have that chance!

  2. homo haters >:O

  3. anyone who lies.

    people pleasers.

    smooth talkers

  4. Those who use malice and deceit to hurt other people.

  5. superficial people, they get on my nerves!

    i wish they'd all cease to exist

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