
What kind of person are you ?

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are you the type of person who wants to live alone just by themselves the type with a wife or hubby or the type with children and a wife or hubby just wondering




  1. Man,i didn't know you asked a question like mine or i wouldn't be asking oh well. lol  :)

  2. I'm 23 right now and single...

    I would love to find a man who I love enough to feel that marraige can even be an option!

    I've been in too many dead end relationships and honestly, I'm a little too bitter...

  3. Depends on my mood. If I crave freedom, than alone so I have no one to answer to.  But most of the time with hubby and kids.

  4. wife with children

  5. i've always been the alone type. i grew up alone; was a latchkey kid, single mom who worked three jobs, no dad... so i'm used to being by myself and not having to worry about any authority over me. i have good judgment, but i hate when people point out ONE tiny slip-up.

    i planned on staying single forever. never having kids. just being selfish and having fun.

    my plans got screwed up. i got pregnant, married the guy who did it to me... and now i'm stuck in family life. i hate it. i love them both, but i hate my lifestyle. i'm still constantly trying to be by myself and go do things alone. it's ruining our perfect relationship. :/  

  6. I like to be with my Love! (who I live with) I do enjoy being around my family and friends too though!

    I never had a desire for children, only animals.  

    Really it's all over the place because I like my alone time too.  :)

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