
What kind of person beats a helpless dog?

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I just adopted a young mutt from the pound and it is so afraid of humans it urinates every time I come close to it. Over the past week i have made great progress building trust by laying in my back and offering treats. But it disgusts me what the old owners must have done, that they would put so much terror in a living being, It almost makes me want to beat the old owners for traumatizing this dog.

I was just wondering why their is such leadent laws against abusing animals till they are broken inside and out. Ive heard arguments against it because it hurts poorer people. Yet I feel if someone is a good person they would not hurt other animals.





  2. I feel you man, I did a research paper for my english comp class on Animal cruelty and how lenient the laws are, it makes me sick that people who torture a living being to the point of death get nothing but a slap on the wrist, makes me so angry. Your poor pup, bless your heart for taking the time and care for your pup to feel comfortable around you. Once he gets used to you, and meets other people that aren't going to hit him, hopefully he'll learn that not all people are bad. Give him a hug and a kiss for me for the terrible treatment he had to endure before you adopted him.

    To add to what Forest Basenji was saying, the two children responsible for the Colombine shootings both had a history of animal abuse, as did Ted Bundy. Many people who are abusive to animals were also abused as children.

  3. There are just people in this world that are so miserable during their entire life, and they take it out on the poor animals...they just seem to think, hurt an animal and its okay, what they don't understand is, they are only make life tougher for themselves, and its so cruel for the dog...these type of people don't just need to be in jail, they need lots of therapy......

    I am so sorry your new little dog was treated so bad, but you really sound like a good person, you care enough for one to adopt the dog, to give it a second chance of a wonderful life in a terrific home, for this we all thank you.

    Next, if your dog is very clean and you don't mind, let the new baby sleep with the dog house trained yet.

    if you will allow this poor baby to sleep with you, you will see a terrific bond begin to form..the dog knows you are there for it, and will return all your love a million times over,.

    just take it slow, time, and patience, and tons of love will bring this little dog back to being a happy little dog...

    good luck, and again, thank you for caring...

    and to help, no loud noises or raising your hands above the dogs head, they associate this with being hit or hurt., no yelling.....just nice and slow, and you will end up with a great little dog that will be your best friend and protector for life

  4. My deepest anger is with those that abuse animals!!!   It's horrible what some people get away with, isn't it?  Oh, my heart just starts pumping so fast when I hear things like this.  When Michael Vic tormented and abused his dogs in dog fighting, I had no sympathy for him in the least when he got caught.....still don't, NEVER EVER WILL......he is done as far as I am concerned, and so are those that abused your little innocent dog.  It's unforgiveable!  

    On the other hand, sometimes dogs can act this way just from being ignored and having no human contact.  

    After the above incident with Vic, I immediately became a member of The Humane Society, and also a monthly donator to stop the abuse to dogs and other animals.

  5. what makes you think the dog was beaten? I raise hundreds of animals a year of all breeds and types from goats to rabbits to dogs and dont really lay a hand on any of them unless they are having problems yet some wont leave me alone when i go in the pen and others (the minority) run and hide like i beat them on an hourly basis.

  6. nobody should ever beat a animal i agree it is heartless and wrong, congrats 2 u for saving this dog!! u might like the website  ;)

  7. Its because there lives are c**p and they are too much of a wimp to hit some one there own size. Go to the RSPCA web sight and sign up for campaigns against animal cruelty, we need more signatures so something can be done!

  8. if they hurt animals they are a ******* **** ****** **** **** ****** **** **** ****. why do they do it to animals and not other people. people deserve to go to jail for that  

  9. Someone who must of felt hurt in there life, so they take it out on the poor dog. Congrats on Adopting.

  10. There is no excuse for animal abuse. Working in Animal Welfare a few years ago i saw some horrendous things. Just as with child abusers jail jail is to good for these &^%@#$. Where I live they do have very hefty fines and the court can order that they never be allowed to own another animal. Lobby your governement for harsher penalties.

  11. I just adopted an abused Bichon Pup.  Like you i am mortified by what this tiny virtually defenseless  bundle of joy experienced in her short life.  Just brought her home 3 weeks ago & she cowers when i get close to her.  I know it will take time for her to gain trust,  She is a challenge but i will never give up on her.

  12. I will never understand why some humans are able to commite such acts!!! I'm happy to hear that you are willing to work with the dog instead of turning her out and giving up. You have a great heart!!

  13. some one who had a troubled childhood and feels powerless to change the world but is nevertheless frustrated by it.

  14.   Crazy idiots beat up dogs. Over 200 Dogs are hung microwaved stabbed and drowned every day and nobody cares! America is so messed up that people can do this for no reason. If you punish your dog hit it lightly and yell NO!!!! that stops my dog.

  15. Significant study has shown that people with a history of animal abuse have a tendency to "graduate" to abuse or even murder of humans.  Many of your well-known serial killers have a history of animal abuse.  This knowledge has led to new laws, tougher on animal cruelty, being passed in many places.  

    Unfortunately, in most places animals are regarded as little more than "property" in the eyes of the law.  Animal cruelty is often not given the type of punishment it deserves, even though the perpetrator is often a psychologically disturbed person who may pose a threat to the general public.  

    Having said that, I will also point out that not every fearful dog has been abused.  Many times, simply NEGLECT or a lack of human socialization can create the kind of fear and terror you're seeing in your dog.  I have encountered quite a few puppymill dogs, and dogs from neglect cases....the dogs were never physically beaten but simply never given a chance to get used to human behavior.  And if they have a generally submissive or fearful personality, they become naturally fearful of anything "new" including normal human behavior.  

    I am just mentioning this to point out that "fear" behavior can have many is possible your dog was abused, and it's possible she's just been neglected.  Either way, you're a wonderful person for taking her in and helping her out.  Thank you :).  

  16. While I don't know what may have happened to your dog before you adopted it, I do know that a lot of animals that seem abused were simply not adequately socialized.  Your dog seems to be a submissive urinator.  William Campbell explains an easy way to deal with this problem in his book, Better Behavior in Dogs.  This book should be on every pet owner's bookshelf.  It also covers a wide variety of other common problems pet owners may encounter.  You can find it at  In the meantime, you seem to be doing fine but please get the book.  Animal behavior could be your future career.

  17. Someone who is cruel hurts other creatures.  It breaks my heart that your dog was abused but I commend you for working with it and giving it a second chance.  You may also want to consider laying close by your new dog.  Dogs are pack animals and bed down near each other at night for safety.  I'm not saying you should do it all night but awhile each day should help.

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