
What kind of person do you imagine when hear these 2 names?

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Drew Ramirez

Ryan Ramirez

both boy names...just curious..

like what would you envision these boys/men to look like..




  1. Ryan- Great athlete, sports team, if he plays an instrument it would be tuba or something big.

    Drew- A little nerdy, but really smart. Still has lots of friends, computer genius. All honors classes. Clarinet maybe? ( I play clarinet, and I am nerdy :)

  2. Ryan would be an attractive, strong, kind man.  Very intelligent.  I imagine a Drew nearly the same just slightly more arrogant.  It is all just imagination though--they could be anyone. :)  Good luck!

  3. i think drew and ryan are both great classic names-neither one of those conjure up any negative images for me.  i do assume with the last name that there is some latino in them.

  4. To me the name Drew I see it as a name a blonde hair boy would have and for the name Ryan i think of a dirty blonde to brown haired boy. Both having simialer personalities. The kind of names I can see very well behaved boys would have.

  5. I knew brothers that I dated one...Andrew used to like being called Drew...and Ryan, well just Ryan. I'm glad I dated "Drew". I love him, and he was a great guy. Ryan was perverted-just so you know.

  6. i think those are both great names and they both sound really sophistacated

  7. I picture rappers!

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