
What kind of person do you think when you listen this combo?It flows good with father’s name?

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father's name: Juan Antonio Reinaldo R....(R… is the surname)

Reina Martha Araceli Nerea R.. (R... is the last name)




  1. Mexican

    I love the name Juan Antonio Reinaldo

    I don't like Martha or Nerea for the girls name  But I love Reina Araceli

  2. A kind and friendly person. I knew someone with this name( spelled Raina) in school and she was really nice. I really like Reina. I think it sounds just as nice without Martha in the mix. Which ever way you prefer will work great.

  3. I would say Spanish.

  4. i cant pronounce any of the girls names, and why are their os many middle names?????

  5. I think they sound fine together. I think I like Araceli better than Reina, although I do love how Martha is said in Spanish. She sounds very aristocratic, maybe even a teeny bit s****..  

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