
What kind of person does not like children, knowing they were once one?

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Some people are so intolerant of children. I can't understand why. Obviously someone took care of them and showed them some patience and tolerance or they wouldn't be here now.

Why does it seem some people down right hate children?

Do these people think they were perfect as a kid, never screamed, never had a fit, never misbehaved etc?




  1. Some people are just intolerant. I think it has nothing to do with having once been a kid yourself. Plenty of people are insensitive to themselves and as a result unable to empathize with others. Some people are easily annoyed and irritable and just don't want to take the time to be considerate of children. It has nothing to do with having once been a child.

  2. I don't dislike children, in fact I support youth rights. However, I do not have the patience to raise children and I do not want kids. It's not hatred, it's my choice in life.

  3. I run into this a lot, as I work with children. What I hate to see is when it's parents who seem to genuinely dislike their own children...

    I think you hit on something when you said that "obviously someone took care of them and showed them some patience and tolerance." Plenty of people made it to adulthood without ever being shown patience or tolerance, and having food and a place to live doesn't necessarily mean one is cared for. I think it's likely that a lot of kid-haters were treated poorly when they themselves were children and as a result it doesn't occur to them that maybe we ought to give children the benefit of the doubt.

    And I do know several people who insist that they were in fact perfect as kids.

    You don't mention any specific incident or circumstance, but I know that some selfish adults seem to think children shouldn't be allowed in certain places. I think it's that they're not accustomed to being around children and they resent having to censor their speech or behavior as well as that children aren't perfect.

    Pity for them. Some of my favorite people in the world are little kids :)

  4. Some people simply don't have the time for children. Thats just how it is. I don't think it necessarily means that those people 'hate' children. I never hated children but I never really had any time for them before I became a mother. Now I devote all of my time to kids and not just my own.

  5. Hi there! Well, I HATED kids until I was 25 years old - and now my hubby and I have been TTC our first child for 2.5 years! So I have 'known' both sides of the coin! Looking back on my child hating years, I think it stemmed from two things:

    1) I was an only child and I never got to experience a sibling, so I really didn't have much interaction with children growing up. I was also hanging out with the adults... so that's who I became comfortable with.

    2) Being an only child, I HATED it with a passion. I wanted a younger brother or sister so badly, but never got one. So, I guess, in a way, when I saw babies and young kids, it brought up emotions of resentment and anger towards my parents, and somehow, I displaced that on kids.

    I know, it sounds weird, but that's what I think it was for me! But when I turned 25, hubby went down south for a few months for work and I was alone... and I just got hit so hard with the baby bug. Now I want kids soooo badly! lol Funny how life changes things! :)

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