
What kind of person is a female Gemini?

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What personality do they have? Are they outgoing or complicated people? Are they nice? What are the Characteristics I guess?




  1. My Mother (MOM) is a Gemini....good trustworthy person 90% of the time.Just back off that last 10% of the

  2. SHe's a wonderul person....most of the time. ^_^

  3. Female geminis are very funny and adventurous, very talkative and charming.

  4. i find them stunning, funny a bit self centered. they have charm ! great taste in art ,fashion.

    hard to get to know,very moody.

    even though they can be selfish they never harmful.

  5. Geminis have two personalities that switch without notice. Both me and my girlfriend are Gemini and we get along when we are on the opposite personalty but when we get on the same personality we fight. Gemini people are usually emotional people.

  6. Gemini

    Everyone loves a Gemini because everyone loves a schizophrenic. You like to think that you are a half-and half mixture of Socrates and Michelangelo, but in reality it's more like Prince and Bea Arthur. You are progressive, outgoing, and one of the most popular rides at Cedar Point. However, you can and will negate all of this by the time you're finished reading this sentence. Geminis drive funny cars. They often drive them into trees or buildings. Geminis are pushy and overbearing. They pick fights with small children and moon people at weddings. They like to use Libras as punching bags. A bisexual Gemini is a walking double date. The rest are hermaphrodites. Geminis vandalize their own houses.

    Geminis use far-fetched analogies to describe philosophical concepts. Geminis rarely compete in the Olympics. When they do, it is usually pool or air hockey. Frogger turns up as well. Geminis are always on some sort of medication. This medication is not always legal. Gemini is Latin for "I'm okay, I'm okay." Geminis speak very loudly in order to be heard. This is unfortunate as they are nearly always talking to themselves. In fact, they often pick animated arguments with themselves in the bathtub. The most famous Gemini in history is Orville and Wilbur Wright. Geminis are frequently abidextrous, which means that they can pick both sides of their noses at the same time. The Gemini is essentially nothing more than a paranoid Aquarius.

  7. They can definately lure anyone in with their quick witt and natrual charm. In secret they want to be liked, and may put up an act infront of some people, that is why others sometime percieve them as being "two faced". It might also be because they change their minds quickly, and are always off looking for the next best thing. They are very sociable, and arent too deep into emotions. Other signs need to realize they re not being cocky and ignoring you, it just comes off that way..... unless they really are lol then tough! Im a cap and its always a rocky road with me and a gemini.. For gemini's are very outgoing, and move on easily, as capricorns are calm and reserved, and anything they do is well thought out.

  8. well,my sister is a gemini/taurus and she is very outgoing but acts really stupi which makes me mad.She is very nice and she always keeps her cool.She can be a really great friend,so I suggest you should get to know one.

    My sister is more of a taurus so I don't know what a full gemini is like.

  9. Gemini persons tend to be restless, intellectual folks. They are mental people by nature, and have a dynamic spirit that is intellectually impressionable and inspired by pure ideas. This dynamism allows them to default to a more positive mental state. They are able to, and enjoy synthesizing bits of information to get a good idea of what's going on. This may however come at the expense of deeper understanding of things or verifying their integrity all the way through.

    There's somewhat of a tendency to be social butterflies, unless Saturn is strong or there are other introspective elements. They can be somewhat childish in demeanor, sometimes a bit lacking in responsibility, unless the chart shows strong mature indications. They may have something of a mischief or a prankster in them. They just love having a good laugh, but may sometimes annoy others in the process. They can be quite humorous and usually have a rather bubbly personality.

    Communication and interactions are fundamental in this sign, Geminis can lose themselves when these are missing or ineffective. They need to know what's going on. They love having a discussion and sharing things, and it can have a great soothing effect on them when they are in a bad mood. They love finding common grounds with people. They need some attention, and can become resentful when people don't talk to them when they feel they should.

    On a general note, these natives tend to be friendly, but are often covertly self-serving. They can be quite cool and calculated, however influence from Venus or a good Moon can help rebalance this somewhat and make them more thoughtful. They seek stimulating experiences, and although being somewhat intellectual in nature, they can get bored and lose their interest rather quickly. They nevertheless have a great wit, rather curious and inquisitive by nature. They dislike thick-headed people. Gemini is so mentally active that it can be rather forgetful.

    Gemini people can appear cold and somewhat emotionally unreachable, which may be bothersome to some. A better moon condition can help assuage this to some degree.

    Unless there is a strong contrarian Uranus influence on the sun or Mercury, they can be subtly influenceable, as their dynamic nature makes them susceptible to suggestibility and wishful thinking. In a similar fashion, this can make them rather well-inclined towards astrology.

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