
What kind of person is this?

by  |  earlier

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i knew a guy in my frat that would just do awful things for the h**l of it. he thinks its funny when he hurts or humiliates someone. he would break a couple up for fun, even degrades and humiliates guys in front of their women for no reason in bars (he has a very high iq). he would even rather go get prostitutes than be with his gf. he even got in trouble with the law for slipping a girl a roofie. he didnt need to do this, but he said he got a rush out off it. is this a psychological problem?




  1. The guy is a psychopath. That means he has no conscience, enjoys sadism and destroying people. It doesn't mean he's a serial killer. Steer clear of him, because he will destroy you if he feels like it.

  2. Either that or the dude needs a good beat down

  3. Personally, I wouldn't have anything to do with this person, as someday, the chips may fall in the wrong spot for him. Being this type of person, is the one thing this world could very well do without. I'm sorry, if that upsets you, but I have to speak my mind.

    Good Luck

  4. Yes, he does need a good beat down to humble him. He sounds like a spoiled overgrown brat who's being bad to see how far he can go. His parents probably let him get away with a lot when he was young. He will keep doing these things, and it will only get worse unless someone puts him in his place.

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