
What kind of person were you 4 years ago?

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i was immature&hyper




  1. happy.  

  2. Four years ago, I had just moved in with my husband (boyfriend at the time), and I was starting to feel safe- that everything was going to be ok for me and for my daughter.  

  3. A fat ten year old. :)

  4. I think I was someone who underestimated themself

  5. the biggest nerd you will ever meet

  6. EMO! And I still got the scars to prove it :/

    Never cut yourself, people, lol. Sucks big time later on.

  7. I was ten... I was even more shy, not as skinny and was happy.

  8. I was very productive and busy all the time with friends, family, and work.

  9. Foolish- not that I'm not anymore, but with age comes wisdom

    Very dorky, nerdy looking, but that has changed somewhat

  10. OMG!!

  11. the most pure, clean mind you can imagine....goofy....sensitive, sometimes judgemental....

  12. hyper, and nice, pretty, long haired;...

  13. I hung out all night and watched sports 24 - 7 I watch them a lot now but I mean 24 - 7 I was a lot heavier too.

  14. i was a little immature brat who was ungrateful for the things she had.

  15. major goody goody

  16. Lazy, unmotivated, just didn't care.

    Now not so lazy still pretty unmotivated in things i don't enjoy

    but i care about things a lot more.

  17. fat and nerdy kind!

  18. 4 years ago I was 14.

    I was a follower and did cheerleading only because my parents made me. :/ Yeah.... that's how I WAS, but not anymore.

  19. I was kinda like knightpedro (^), Quiet but I would shut you up, If u mess up with me....but also immature and really "close-minded".

    Now, I can say I really improved, and there is one, actually 3 (2 spirituals) I should be thankful to (for?). :)  

  20. I was to good, today, I'm immature and yet still smart somehow, i think that's why my teachers wont stop nagging at me on and on......and on.............and on........

  21. skinner and less stressed

  22. Just the  same as  I am now but now i'm a geek

  23. stressed:/

  24. Four years ago I was 15 and a sophomore in high school. I wasn't talkative at all, but I wasn't shy either. I was the kind of guy that looked quiet, but who would shock everyone whenever an oral presentation came. Also, I was very shy with girls in general (that was the exception, otherwise I wasn't shy). I was a smart guy, straight A's to be exact. I looked good (I exercised and dressed nice) but at the same time I didn't look that great because of the severe acne that I had during those years. I was a hardcore gamer, seriously I was good and I think that was the year when I was more into gaming, so yeah I was a gamer. I wasn't shy, but at the same time I wasn't very self-confident and definitely not as mature as now.

    Now, 4 years later, I am about to begin sophomore year in college. I am much more mature now. I have a more mature way of thinking now. My acne is almost gone, no one could tell I had bad acne before if they meet me now. Now I am over-confident sometimes and my talkative meter broke last year. I talk a lot when I meet someone worth talking to. My shyness with girls died last year as well. I guess I simply don't care anymore, but at the same time I know I do want to meet someone special. I talked to more girls last year in my college than in my 3 last high school years together I think XD... shyness with women is something that I don't have time for now .... Oh and I totally suck at games now.... well not really :p lol but I haven't touched a controller in months, after college it went from a hobby to something I do last, and I mean last in the list of things to do, which means I almost never do it. Also, I am a good driver now, and 4 years ago I was starting to learn to drive a car. In high school I never used any perfume and now I use Dolce&Gabbana light blue... you gotta smell good and I bet you know why :P ..... And the list of little details that changed goes on.....

    The simple way to put it is that I am not a different person now, I am the same guy, but I have seriously improved, beyond what people who knew me at that time and never saw me again would expect.

  25. The same as today.

  26. i was happy, fun to be around, satisfied with my life, excited about starting college... my friends used to laugh with me all the time... last year everything with me got screwed up, now i am battling depression and insomnia... lost all of my close friends

  27. I was strong, confident and calm.  

    Ah, those were the days...

  28. the kind that was like in '3rd grade.. I was really chubby, but then in 4th grade I lost about... 30 pounts and now im 82 lbs.  

    please help me?

  29. i was lost. i was a dork and cocky and thought i knew everything

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