
What kind of personalities do 'popular' people tend to have?

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what are their general traits?




  1. they just care alot about the opinions of others

    they also tend to be rich

  2. It really depends on the person.  SOme r like jerks and others r really nice.  Like I know this one guy who can be really obnoxious with his friends but I talk to him all the time and he's really sweet and nice!

  3. That is not a fair question. I've known the jocks in High School and while they were all "popular", some were very down to earth people while others were very stuck up and quick to judge others. I know a few celebrities and they are all very wonderful people. Then you will see or hear about the celebs with "a chip on their shoulder". See what I'm getting at? Money or popularity doesn't make you bad, but rather, what you do with that "power". It can either enlighten you....or corrupt you.

  4. They are usually a.ssholes.

  5. maniac....

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