
What kind of pet is right for me?

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I can't have a cat or dog (house won't allow it). I want a pet that is easy to care for, though a little hard work is okay with me. I've had a lot of experience with animals before. I want a pet that will stay under 1 foot.




  1. hamster, bunny, bird, fish, turtles, rat, snake, or frog.

  2. A rabbit, ferret or chinchillas, as the rabbit and ferret are okay by themselves, chinchillas are better with two as they live in groups in the wild, also chins are night animals but still neat. Here is a good site that will give you infor on all, exotic pets.

  3. small lizard. Clean and easy to care for. And does not smell

  4. guniea pig or a bunny. I have both, well my guniea pig died and I live in a small townhouse and it was fine. They are both very easy to take care of and the arent that expensive either!!

  5. Get a Bunny

  6. A Hamster or a Guinea Pig

  7. Hamster:


    Betta fish (A.K.A japenese fighting fish):




    Guinea Pig:












    I added some caring for information.  I gave 1 for each, but if you need more help go to and search "How to take care of _____" always seems to work for me.

    Hope I helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Emilia A.

  8. if you want a cat or dog you should get a ferret. they are great there behavior is like a cat dog mix.

  9. A Fish! =D

  10. A rabbit is the best. You might want to let it out of it's cage a majority of the week, they need excerise. The most expensive thing you will probably need to do with it, is getting it's teeth cut...(I recomend getting you bunny spayed or neutered, lol)

  11. I love my hermit crabs, only thing you have to do EVERY day is change their water and food. They love to exercise out of their tank and will climb anything they can. I also have a fish tank with "sharks" bala sharks and Iridescent sharks, pretty easy to care for.

  12. Well, I have 2 ferrets and they are the greatest pets ever! If you consider getting one, get a female, as they are smaller then the males. They make awesome pets! The only problem is they can get smelly. Just keep the cage clean though, and it will be ok. Also, they are very social, so if you get one, you might want to get another or you will need to spend a lot of time with it. Hampsters also make good pets, but they get boring easily. They are very easy to take care of though. Be careful about a rabbit, because they are not too friendly sometimes. Guinea pigs are just to skiddish.

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