
What kind of pet should I get?

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I want something that recognizes me (like a cat or dog) but I'm allergic to animal hair. I know cuz I had a rash where the cat was sitting on my lap. I think gerbils or hamsters don't really "know" you.




  1. If you are old enough then you should get a sugar glider. They are not too good with young children b/c chrildren can be too harsh and frighten them.  They are marsupials--they have a pouch.  They are small animals that can glide really far. They are exotic animals but really fun! They bond to you and are very special animals. They all have a distinct personalities too.  They are nocturnal so you can carry them in your pocket all day long and no one will ever know cause they are asleep. They at night when they wake up they will climb on you and jump from your curtains to you. They are a bit of responsibility though as they need large cages, specific foods, and many toys. They also live about 15 years so it is a long term commitment. I have one and she is 8 months old. I love her so much and she is so fun! They really are adorable.

    Google search them and look at pictures and read more about them!

  2. You could get a dog of a hypoallergenic breed. Try here for breeds:

  3. a sugar glider because they are so cute and easy to take care of.   Go to google images and type in sugar glider and see how cute they are.

  4. Sounds like you do have an allergy to pet dander.  You may only be allergic to cat dander, however.  And there are some breeds that are dubbed "hypoallergenic" or are better for people with allergies to dander.  I would suggest doing a little research to find out if there are specific types of cat that are right for you, and you might want to try to test yourself with a dog.  It wouldn't hurt.  

    If you really want a pet and happen to be allergic to everything, you might look into getting allergy shots.  I know a few die-hard cat lovers who just try to combat the effects of their allergies.  Hope this helps.  

  5. Sugar gliders are a great choice if you are looking for a pet to really have a bond with.  Please do some homework before deciding to get one as they are not for everyone.

    Here is a great site you can go check out with tons of glider information.

    and here is a site with diet information


  6. I reccomend ferrets.  They shed so little if at all, I have never seen pet hair from the ferret anywhere in or out of the house.  They are also very responsive like a cat or dog (its the carnviores, they're typically smarteer than herbavores).  However they take just as much work as a cat or dog.  Research them, I think you will like them.

  7. you can get a guinea pig. they can last for 8 years and get really attatched to you! you can pet them and hold them, and they purr and ask for more. mine always goes up to the cage and whines for a treat ot to be held. theyre great pets for any age and arent that hard to take care of :D

  8. I know this may sound crazy, but if you want something that needs very little care and that cant trigger allergies get a hermit crab. I have 3 and they know me. when i first got one of them he kind of walked on my hand a little, stopping to "sniff". then after a couple days of playing with him, he walked around more fluently. I went to camp, and when i came back he "sniffed" a little, realized it was me, and walked around. I think they are pretty cool pets.  

  9. You should get a Fish!

    There's no fur unless you glue your own hair in it.

    And it's a fish! You could eat them Because fish are edible!1

  10. You should get a parrot. I know most people don't think they recognize you or have personality  but believe me they do. I went to work and left mine with my boyfriend for about 6 hours, I came home and he ran to me tweeting and all happy. I have asthma and I'm fine with my two birds. At first when my dad told us about the idea I was like whatever now I love them. Here is a site for people with out info on parrots. I would strongly suggest a cockatiel.  the picture of the bird with the yellow tail is a cockatiel....that one is actually mine! :-) Good Luck!

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