
What kind of pets have you had?

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The usual cats and dogs, fish, brother had pigeons, and rabbits, I had a squirrl monkey when I was about 10, had to get rid of it, stunk too bad, When I lived in Pheonix AZ I had a Tarantula, I was too afraid to pick it up.

How about you?




  1. I've had a bird, 3 cats, 2 dogs, 2 turtles, an endless amount of goldfish, a Koi fish, and over 20 chickens. Those are only what I remember, though.  

  2. you had a monkey and an squirrel? you shouldnt have that animals they must be in the forest or jungle...  and the monkey gets more aggresive when it grows... anyway i only had a dog and a cat

  3. 5 fire belly toads

    1 whites tree frogs

    1 leopard gecko

    2 African water frogs

    1 Pacman horned frog

    4 American green tree frog

    3 fighting fish

    2 gold fish

    and a 11 year old dog now and a 15 week old puppy.

  4. we had some fish but they got to big for the tank so we gave them to a friend who has a pond. And now, after many years of asking we have a dog, heres a ppic of her

  5. Dogs, many cats, hamsters, anoles, fish, saltwater fish, and one eagle! Yes! My neighbor gave me an eagle one time, needless to say I returned it the next day, it was just too creepy.

  6. a dog, lots of cats, three ferrets, and some fish

  7. cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, fish....a younger boyfriend.

    Honestly all my pets are much more smart than this guy...

  8. a bassit hound and three cats, when i was 6

    then they all died

    now I have

    a wenier dog- currently

    a turtle, currenty

    three cats, currently

    pug dog, curently

  9. i had rabbits, fish, a chicken, turtles, a cat, and a hamster

  10. Right now, I have cats, hamsters, and mice.  

  11. Had a fish, it died. Had a cat, it died. Had a dog, it died. Had a mom, she died. Had a dad, he went to jail for killing my fish, cat, dog, and mom.

    now answer my question.;...

  12. fish, hermit crabs, and turtles

    btw could you do me a huuge favor and vote for me here?:

    it won't take more than 5 seconds, promise

  13. Well I have a hamster named alyssa and a frog named miracle, my cousin owns a turtle iguana dog and catches crickets....i had a goldfish but it died....dontbuy one it will die easily. ={

  14. um..


    another cat




    more fish

    all cats ran away so got another cat

  15. 1 dog, 3 cats, 3 horses, 2 snakes, 2 geckos, 2 blue tongue skinks, a fish tank w/30 fish and 41 chickens!

  16. My whole family of six has had a lot of pets,

    I just got a rabbit






    hermit crabs


    Venus fly trap (if that counts)


    ant farm

    dwarf hamster

  17. just husband. I almost have him house broken!!!


    no seriously. In my life I have had cats, dogs, fish, rabbits, and turtles. Nothing too crazy.

  18. 2 Cats

    1 Dog

    4 Rats

    2 Bunnies

    2 Parkeets

    4 Chickens

    1 horse that i lease

    and 1 fish =)

  19. cat






    guinea pigs, one named german "Herr Huber"


    tadpoles (they didnt make it to frogs :( )

    a newt named susi

    and i took care of a pigeon for a short period of time

  20. Gerbil, Parakeet, Cockatil, Dog.

  21. Dogs and cats. Ferrets. Fish. We've also had lizards (anoles mainly). I did get a five foot iguana who lived for a while and made it to six feet. We feed the rabbit and the groundhogs in our backyard (they're almost pets to us). And the mice in the garage.

  22. About 11 cats, 18 dogs, 2 goats, 1 ferret, 2 squirrels, a couple tanks full of fish, around 30 rabbits, 7 iguanas. That's the total number of animals my family have owned over the span of 13 years.  We've also owned a gerbil, several chickens and parakeet. I forget a lot of the animals we've had since we've had so many.

  23. ive had many cats...saved them all from the street then gave them to ova ppl(im only lyk 15 and my mum was pissed wen i brang them lol), i had a mouse, rabbit, fish, hamster and i wanted a snake bt my mum wudnt let time i had a chicken...i was taking care of it for my neighbour...only god knows y she had a chicken

  24. I've had dogs, cats, lizards, mice, hamsters and gerbils.

  25. I've had lots of pets over the years...

    Cats - Zack, Suzie (+ five kittens), Snowball (+ five kittens), Barnum, Bailey, Kelloggs (+ three kittens), Boomer.  Current cat is Eowyn.

    Dogs - Ginger, Skipper.  Current dog is Kylie.

    Fish - too many to remember!

    Turtles - eight in total.  Four boiled to death when the aquarium heater fried.  Of the second batch, only one had a name - Pig - because he ate all the food and grew way bigger than the other turtles.

    Mice - Mordecai (the cutest mouse IN THE WORLD!) and then Winken, Blinken, and Nod.

    Hedgehog - Brad.

    Bird - budgie named Gonzo.

    I think that is it.

  26. I have:

    2 Tuxedo cats- Felix and Kibibe

    and one Labradoodle (mix between a standard poodle and a chocolate lab..soooo gorgeous)- Trapper


    I had:

    2 other dogs...R.I.P Thore and Hunter <3

    3 hamsters- Butterscotch, Buttercup, Snoopy

    and alot of fish :)

  27. when i was 7 i had a bunny but we gave it away

    when i was 8 i had a birds but we gave them away

    when i was 9 i had a cat but it ran away

    when i was 10 i had fish but my cousin choked it 2 death:(

    when i was 11 i had a cat

    when i was 12 i had abird but it dies

    i am now 13 and have a beta fish

  28. I've had dogs..and a fish would be my dream to have a grandpa has horses and I would take care of them sometimes... I would broom them, ride them...and sometimes give them carrots/apples...they are really cute...and their teeth are like super straight...and their hose is super soft...they are cool...

  29. dog, coco(current)

    hamster, pooh bear(current)

    fish, rainbow(deceased)

    fish, killer(deceased)

    hamster, rosie(deceased)BEST!!!!



    frog, jack(deceased)

    turtle, arnald(deceased)

    hermit crab, hermy(deceased)


  30. Nothing exciting really. I went through about nine cats in my lifetime. Two dogs. My cat is currently at my dads house she's really old. My dog or I should my dads dog resides with him as well. I'm thinking about getting a corn snake or a tarantula.  

  31. dogs, cats, hamsters, a gecko, parakeets, a salamander, horses, goats, a cockateil, um, i think thats it. Oh, yeah. fish and guinea pigs.

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