
What kind of phobia do I have? Any tips on getting over it?

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So, I'm afraid of big groups of people, I'm afraid to talk to people (but not terrified) and I'm afraid of people judging me, then laughing behind my back.

Pretty much, I'd be content sitting in a house all day alone. It kind of stinks, because my teachers (I'm in a sophomore in high school) ask my questions a lot, and all I can do is sit and stare at them. Then people start to whisper, and my mouth sort of glues shut. I know the answer, I just can't spit it out!!





  1. Sounds like anxiety/ social anxiety. You can go to a doctor and get on medication. I did for a while but then I stopped taking the meds after about four years because I didn't want to be dependant on something and it made the depression part of my disease worse. I went to a life skills class that helped me out tons and now it rarely happens! Technically you have complete control over your body and mind-you just have to figure out how to do it and work very hard at constantly being aware of controlling it. Each time you feel it coming tell yourself to calm down, there is nothing to be afraid of. Force words to come out when the teacher calls on you. Its very hard i know what your going thru; its a terrrible disease because its embarrasing. But if you believe that you can fight it and overcome it, then you will! I suggest you either go to a doctor or try to think positive thoughts and tell yourself that there is no reason to feel like that and try to overcome it. You should also speak to your teachers about it so that they know what your dealing with and they can understand why you dont talk-that way your grades arent jeapordized. Fight it when it happens and it will get better and better until one day its gone. Good Luck!

    Remember! Dont ever be overly concerned with what people think of you or what they say about you. I have been like that all my life (im 25) and i wish i would have known when i was your age what i know now-that it really doesnt matter what other people think or say about you. You will never be able to please everyone and no matter what you do, you will never be able to get everyone to like you, no matter how nice you are. People are crazy and mean and you must learn to not care. Believe me you will be so much happier if you adapt to having a more careless attitude. And people will respect you more if they know your not a people-pleaser.

  2. That's not a phobia at all, that's social anxiety.  See a psychiatrist and a therapist.

  3. it means that you are socially anxious

  4. it's simple immaturity, lack of self confidence and narcissism.  you need to get over your belief that everyone is staring at you, thinks badly of you, and that you have nothing of importance to say.  since you're behaving like a lump of clay in social situations, including the classroom, you should consider seeing a therapist.

  5. Yeah I know what you mean! It sucks soooo much!

    But yeahh its called SAD (Social anxiety disorder)

    You can go to a therapist for it, or take meds

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