
What kind of phone can I get for my daughter?

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My daughter keeps begging for a pink and green Sidekick Lx.She is only 9 years old now she keeps asking for it,so I will get her a phone,I don't no about a sidekick.Is there any type of phone i can get for a 9 year old,I am saying not a cheap phone,like a blackberry iphone.




  1. At 9 she should be lucky she;s getting a phone let alone a expensive phone I would get her a firefly and call it a day

  2. 9 seems a little young to be getting a top of the line cellphone. At 9, who the heck will she be calling anyway. Most kids her age only need to call mom or dad so Id recommend getting her the FireFly. Its a very basic phone designed for younger kids. You program a few numbers into it (911, home, your work) so that your child can reach you in an emergency. Start her out with that and see how she does. After that bump her up to a prepaid phone and then finally into an actual cellphone.

  3. I bought my daughter a phone when she was 10 years old. She wanted an expensive phone to start out with also. I started her out with a cheaper version cell phone/ camera. I got her one with a camera because at that age the camera is a novelty and takes their mind off of using the phone so much. We also only gave it to her only on the weekends at first ( because we had free rates then) to let the newness wear off. once we felt like she would be responsible we gave it to her permanently. 1 year after she originally got the phone at Christmas, we upgraded it for her. Good Luck!

  4. Get her like a blackberry pearl those are cute and small..

  5. Here ya go:

  6. 9 years old is verrryyyyyyy young for a cell phone

    shes a litttleee kid so dont get her a blackberry or and iphone

    u should get her like maybe an

    LG Shine

  7. I'm sorry but i think at the age of 9 is a little to young to be having a cellphone. If you keep giving into what she wants all the time she going to become dependent on you for everything.Try something different.

  8. your kid is 9 and doesn't need a phone, if you feel like she needs one for safety get the one that she can only call you and a few others, and 911 and is she is demanding a 200 dollar phone then tell her to bad cause she is a greedy little brat.

  9. I can understand getting her a phone. cingular has phones especially for children.  check that out.

  10. a 9 yr old having  phne is a good idea but i think it should be 4 emergancys only. i was watching tyra 2day a they said the more expensive ur phone the easier it is 4 it 2 b hacked by stalkers. plus 9 yr old is jus gonna drop it and lose it and different stuff. i think u should think bout it.

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