
What kind of plant is this? ((link to image))?

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It came from my grandmothers funeral. It is gorgeous and I want to take care of it, but I need to know what it is first. Thanks!




  1. Yes, it looks very much like differbachia.  What you need to know about this plant is that if you have animals, it is called dumb cane for a reason.  If your pets chew on the leaves, their mouths will go numb for at least a couple of hours.  Don't you chew the leaves either.

  2. Sorry for your loss.

    Your plant is a Chinese Evergreen, I recived one when my Mother-in-law passed away.

    Here is a picture to compare.

    Care of  your plant.

    Step1Pot the Chinese Evergreen in a mixture of peat moss, bark and sand if possible. The plant will grow in almost any soil, but make sure that it is well drained.

    Step2Keep soil slightly dry and water the plant with room temperature or warm water. Overwatering so that the soil is always moist will damage the plant, so water about once a week and check to make sure the soil is not still moist each time you go to water it.

    Step3Provide the plant with moderate to low light. Chinese Evergreens can flourish in extremely low light, but moderate filtered light is best.

    Step4Fertilize with caution. Indoor plants should receive only fertilizer that is diluted to 1/4 strength and anything stronger may burn the plant.

    Step5Keep the plant in a warm temperature, preferably at least 75 degrees with a 10 degree drop at night. Chinese Evergreens are tropical plants and are extremely sensitive to cold temperatures. Temperatures below 55 degrees can severely damage the roots and leaves.

    Step6Remove discolored lower leaves as the plant is growing to allow new growth to flourish. You may also remove the green blooms, either as soon as they appear or at least when they die.

    Step7Keep the plant in humid conditions, although it can tolerate low humidity for stretches of time. If your home has low humidity, mist the plant's leaves with warm water to simulate humidity.  

  3. SteelAngel stole my answer but hit the plant right on the head - so to speak.

    It's ONE variety of Chinese Evergreen (the one that I have has a different leaf pattern).

    I have had one of these plants for over 30 years. East – good looking – low/medium light plant.

  4. Could be:   Spathiphyllum 'City of Angels'  

    A variegated peace lily

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