
What kind of plants attract dragon flies

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What kind of plants attract dragon flies




  1. pond plants I'd imagine

  2. Emergent vegetation--sedges, rushes and other plants that stick up above the water's surface--provides perching places for adults. Such vegetation is also critical for dragonflies because the nymphs crawl up it when they emerge, making the transformation from water dweller to their free-flying adult form. And though dragonflies don't rely on specific host plants to nourish their young the way butterflies do, some species do use water plants as nurseries. They insert their eggs into the soft stems.

    You don't necessarily need a large pond to attract dragonflies. "I've got friends whose 'pond' is a wooden half barrel," says Biggs, "and fork-tailed damselflies still come and breed in it. One of my grad students reared damselflies in plastic wading pools." Whatever the size, place your pond where it will be protected from wind and will get midday sun.

    I like this question as I never thought about how to attract dragonflies - I will put some information on a page under wildlife gardening on my own website

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