
What kind of plug adapter do I need if I am going to italy?

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I want to be able to charge my phone, ipod, etc. What kind of adapter do I need to buy?




  1. Hi, this is definitely not as specific, but I will tell you this. My fiance is from Italy, I just got back today actually, and RadioShack and kinds of places will sell you the "European adapters" will two circular prongs. You will need another adapter with THREE prongs to plug into that one that you can find cheaply in Italy from most supermarcati. And yes, the electricity can be horrendous unless your paying a horrendous amount to stay in a Holiday Inn or something...

  2. I agree with the gentleman above, but when you go to buy your convertors (Radio Shack, Walmart...), make sure you purchase several of these since you may need to charge several items at once:

    I just came back from Italy last month actually and I must advise you to bring several backup batteries and chargers just in case. One of the hotels I stayed in blew a fuse in my digital camera charger and I did not have a spare. :( Definately bring a disposable camera... definately...

  3. go to an electronics store and get a multiple pronged one. they are about 7 bucks. you can use it for asia (except hong kong) and all of europe. if you just want a single one, use the 2 prong, 240 volt, 50 amp. that is what they have in europe.

    however, if you are staying in a hotel that was built in the last 20 years, they almost always have dual use outlets, especially in the bathroom, for shavers to charge. most electric shavers came from the usa before and they only had our prongs.

  4. Check the UL label on the devices to see the volts they can use.  Many newer devices are 110-220v.  This means all you need is a simple plug adapter to plug them in.  They are cheaper in Italy than at Radio Shack, but it may be easier for you to get them there.  I have never stayed at a hotel in 24 years in Italy that had 110v current (all electrical wiring is 220v in Italy, there are no 110v lines), but maybe some have a converter?  I would not suggest buying a 220v to 110v converter, rather get a 110-220v charger.  If you plug a 110v appliance into the 220v line it will burn out sooner or later.

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