
What kind of poem would this be?

by  |  earlier

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Y es i love summer

A -bout time the sun came out

H -undreds of people came to show their support

O -ne, two, three, four

O -h my gosh, what a loser




  1. a yahoo poem

  2. acrostic

  3. It's an acrostic. Or more properly, an anagrammatic-acrostic, though acrostic is the common name used today. It was a very popular form with the American Puritans back in those Thanksgiving Days, especially when done to a person's name. If a poet did a successful acrostic with a person's name, then the reader would find the meaning of the person's life in the poem and the poet would have the joy of expressing the meaning of the person's life.

    The poet also believed evidence of God's fate for the person could be found in a name and that the acrostic was a means to reveal that fate.

    Too much info? or just enough?

  4. seems more like an acronym more than a poem

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