
What kind of police tactic is being used in this video and what is the appropriate name for this tactic?

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What kind of police tactic is being used in this video and what is the appropriate name for this tactic?




  1. reasonable force to effect an arrest.

  2. It's called crowd control by the cops.  I call it beating people up.  LA cops love to beat people with their clubs.  Why?  Because they traditionally get away with it by making stuff up to cover their sorry a$$es.  Here's how it works:

    . Protesters gather & shout slogans.

    . Cops line up in formation and start to move on protesters while swinging their clubs and yelling.

    . People start to get whacked with clubs and begin to flee.

    . Cops continue their actions and make sure to whack as many people as possible as often as they can.  Anyone who tries to rescue someone from this brutality gets clubbed too.

    . Back at the station the cops have a big brag about how many people they were able to pummel.

  3. I believe the technical term is 'kicking a$s and taking names'

  4. If the guy in question committed a crime and is resisting, using there batons is justified. People know that all the hate directed toward the LAPD in the above comments is that the LAPD has had numerous officers killed in the line of duty and you never know what is going to happen, so you have to extremely careful.  

  5. That part where the enraged officer hits the prostrate suspect on the legs is known as excessive force.  It generally results in discipline for the cop and a significant civil judgment against the city.  

  6. Become a police officer, and put your life on the line...  then ask this question again.

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