
What kind of pond turtle do I have? Pic Included!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. texas map???  i would need to see more pics to be exact like a back and a belly shot

  2. Where did you get it?

    Have any other pets?  Besides your husband that is! ! !

  3. I do not know I am sorry but if u go to www.turtle and if you like at the turtles they have there that you can buy you may see a pic of the one you have and there is other stuff there you can get for turtles..

  4. I can't really tell what kind of Map he is either, but he's not a False Map, which lacks the cresent around the eye (at least it appears there's a cresent by the turt's eye in the pic).

    As far as water goes - the deeper the better.  Maps like water.

    Care is basically the same as for a RES, but more in the way of a young RES.  He'll want lots of fresh fish, krill, shrimp, pellets, cooked chicken, etc. to go with his 30-35% veggie and plant intake.

    False Map

    Mississippi Map

    Enjoy your pet, and I hope this has been helpful.

  5. It's a map turtle. There are several subspecies of map turtles, but I can't say which yours is without knowing where you live.

    EDIT: It seems that map turtles aren't found in or near California, meaning yours is an introduced species, if it was found in the wild. It was most likely a pet or is the offspring of map turtles released into the wild. The care of all map tutrles is the same for all of the differrent subspecies, and they all look very similar.

  6. Looks like a Mississippi map turtle

  7. map turtle. they look very similar to my false map turtle.

  8. It almost looks like a 'false map turtle, check out and check out all the pic's. Looks like little spikes on his back? There are so many species..

    Email me back, I found a better pump!

    =^  )

    I am in laguna Hills,Ca

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