
What kind of pool water should I get?

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I'm getting a pool a I was wondering what pool water is best to use, and what is most often used. Thanks to all who answer!!!




  1. I've heard salt water pools are very good and now all the rage with celebs and those that can afford them.

    The salt leaves skins softer & smoother than regular chlorine pools. It is also said you feel more 'refreshed' after swimming in a salt pool.

    It seems to me it alsmost has the same effect (& bouency) as swimming in the ocean.

  2. i grew up in clorine water. i loved it until i swam in a salt water pool. Now I love salt water pools. They are clearer, dont burn your eyes and fell better when your in there.

    If its just you and more people that dont use the bathroom in the pool get salt water. If you have kids or people who pee in the pool get a chlorine pool. hope I helped

  3. Okay, sorry to burst your bubbles but salt water pools are chlorine pools. Salt water pools have salt chlorine generators which creates chlorine from the salt water by breaking the bonds in the sodium chloride (salt). The water is both salty and chlorinated. These pools eliminate the need to manually add chlorine into feeders, skimmers, or floaters. Your other option is using bromine. Bromine definitely feels better on the skin but is very expensive  to use in a pool.

    If you are not talking about water from a chemical stand point- well water usually has stain producing minerals such as iron, copper or manganese in it. If you are on city/municipal water it should be fine to use. However, I would test your water first for high calcium hardness. If it is higher than 300ppm I would suggest using a company who will bring a truck full of water to your pool but make sure they know your calcium hardness concern and that it too is tested.

  4. none

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