
What kind of possible civic movement could be started along these lines?

by Guest11079  |  earlier

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Every American applying for concealed weapons permits on the same time.

Everyone capable of buying a fire arm do so on the same day.

Well maybe this is not a movement but a statement, anyway please give me your ideas.




  1. Why? law abiding citizens that are armed actually reduce crime. Law abiding citizens that are armed have prevented more crime than the police have. Police are by nature reactive, meaning they react after a crime is committed. A private citizen that is armed stops crime as it is committed. And please don't forget that pesky little document called the Constitution, the second amendment to be specific. The power of law enforcement lies first with the people, and we hire people to manage it for us......police.

    Now I know where you are coming from. The most effective civic movement would start with an informed public, something that politicians of both parties fear more than anything else. An informed public that votes would get the pols attention very quickly indeed.

  2. It would be like the passport delays from earlier this year.  It would take months before your permit would even get approved.  And if everyone did it, probably even years.

    We all have the right to keep and bear arms.  But some states do not allow for concealed weapons, so your plan wouldn't work anyway.

  3. Too many guns. Every couple that has a heated arguement can cool it off with a gun shot. A lot of kids playing with their parents gun. You said capable of buying which means a lot of drug users who haven't gone to jail will be getting it too. Nice movement.

  4. That movement though is like people trying to make a statement by not buying gas on a certain day.  It wont work.  Not enough people would be a part of it.   Like with gas they just buy it the day before or after.

    I do think there is a way to make a statement or even start a movement.  If gun control or such is it than maybe that is a way, but include things like gun safety classes for the children in the home (so you can say ITS FOR THE CHILDREN)

    I think if Americans are trying to say something than they can do it.  If they go with idea I know the gun shops would LOVE it.  

    Drug addicts and other stupid people probably would not even know about the movement so I doubt they would be a part of it.  If couples who are fighting can pull the gun now.  Legal or not.  Just like criminals can get guns.   Its us sane, law abiding people who dont have them.

  5. I don't want liberals having guns.  They want gun control.  That means that conservatives should control all the guns.

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