
What kind of power steering fluid do you put in a 1990 BMW 525I?

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Its a used car. We don't have the manuel.




  1. Look in the owners manual. It will tell you

  2. Use any brand Dexron II/III Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF).

  3. You can use ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid) of any brand.  Yes, Transmission fluid, that threw me off when I bought my first BMW but that is what they use.  If its blood red, you have the right stuff.  You can pick some up at your local wal mart or autozone or get the special stuff made for euro cars from Just type in Power Steering Fluid, put in your cars year and model and your set to go.  With not having your manual if you need any other idea on fluids and parts go to that website.  Its for BMW's only and will have anything and everything your car needs.

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