
What kind of precautions are taken to protect the environment during Drilling?

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Mainly in Alaska, what steps do companies take to prevent disasters and protect wildlife?




  1. blowout perventers

    plus many other safeguards to prevent environmental damage

  2. If they each intentionally as not to cause problems. But in this case they need the job to feed the family as job are hard to come by now a day,

  3. haha, they dont care about the only green thing oil companies care about is money

  4. there are lots of environmental issues that must be met when drilling,but first your question is so vague what do you mean drilling for oil ,drilling for natural gas,drilling exploratory for precious metals,drilling for highway expansion,water well drilling,so if you want a more precise answer specify.Each of these drilling applications have different environmental conditions that must be met before any work can proceed

  5. Actually they are a lot stricter than I thought.  I worked as a wildlife biologist and did a bird study up in the Alaska in the Arctic Tundra.  We had to be house by 2 of the larger oil companies up there as there is no other housing except living alongside the oil drillers.  All the drillers must carry little cards with them with pictures of any endangered birds found up there in case they see them.  They are also instructed that if you have a herd of caribou crossing the road in front of their cars..they MUST wait until they cross the road...and cannot honk or try to rush them in any way.  Sometimes it takes hours for all of them to cross, they are told to bring extra food in case they end up sitting a long while waiting for wildlife to move.  Also, even pumping gas up there has all sorts of special gagets to keep any gas from falling onto the tundra.  If there is ANY liquid dropped on the tundra that might look like oil (coffee, soda pop, etc.) it has to be reported so it is not mistaken for oil and a hazmat crew is not sent out.  The Alaska pipeline is checked constantly for any leaks.

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