
What kind of psyche would a character need to be considered the perfect villain?

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What kind of psyche would a character need to be considered the perfect villain?




  1. The perfect villain would be a sociopath -- someone who does not recognize rules or the need for them.

  2. I think a perfect villian would be justified in what he is doing in his own mind and would blend both good and evil so the viewer/reader could see both the potential for good and evil in them, it would be a villen that leaves everyone guessing his true intentions until the end when it is revealed that he was truly orchestrating everything the entire time

  3. A perfect villian is someone who has the determination to uncover the truth that they see hidden. In many cases this mean being completely psycho. A person who has a flaw in their system may see a flaw in other things, like what is right and wrong. This leads them to believe that they must change that flaw no matter what. There are people who seem to see flaws in the system of morals and ethics but have the serenity to accept it, without violence, without insane actions.

  4. The Joker.

  5. He would be driven by something beyond what any normal human being is driven by. Greed, hatred, revenge - these are the things of a typical villain.

    The perfect villain is someone the reader can identify with, someone who challenges the reader's own sense of right and wrong. Someone with a bizarre and messed up code of ethics...

  6. nothing is perfect

  7. Top hat and curly mustche and laugh like MMMMMMMMMoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHa

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