
What kind of punishment did you get when you were a child?

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My mom would sometimes yell at me if she was having a bad day, but I would fight back a lot, so I guess that's why. My dad was usually stricter, cause he would take things away, yell at me (sometimes scare me), and make me kneel in a corner on the hardwood floor for 10-20 minutes..which I hated.

I guess my dad was right, because I think I have more respect for my dad now (or it could be because I don't live with him anymore, just my mom) and I never EVER fight with him. I don't think the kneeling thing was good, though, because I actually started to resent him for that at some point in my childhood, lol.

How did your parents punish you? Do you agree with it or think it worked?




  1. Depended on the situation at the time lol. If I swore, or talked back - mouthful of soap. If I did something bad - spanking. For the particular naughty things, my Mom had a wooden paddle - I was the recipient of that once (I left the backyard and went to my friends for like 8 hours without my Mom knowing) That was maybe 27 years ago and my butt is still sore. I turned out ok. I have a 2 year old boy, although he will never see a paddle, his butt will feel my hand if it is warranted.

  2. My mother and I certainly have a very different view of discipline. I remember when I was younger she would get a stick (one of those long skinny ones) and then whip me with it. There was even one time she made me go and choose my own stick! Also she was a screamer (matter of fact to this day she is a screamer-- drives me up the wall!).

    I will say that she has now learned in her older years that how she handled the situation when her children were younger was not always the best route.

    I don't think it worked. It worked short term to have the flaming pain on my butt, but in the long term it did nothing for me.

    In my parenting years now I do not see a need to put "fear" into my children. Yes, they get disciplining, but I would rather my children feel sincerely what they did was wrong, rather than fear a spanking. I think you learn from one more then you learn from the other.

  3. sent to my room to think about the situation and how I could have acted differently-with no fun untill i apologised.(I was 4-10 during this time)

    occasionally with a smack on the bum :(

  4. i got spanked. but not too hard that it reallly left a mark.. nd wenever i got older i wud git grounded from going anywhere nd if it was reallly bad i got my fone nd computer sumtimes tv priveledges taken away. thats only happpened like 4 times tho.. :)

  5. My mom was a screamer and my dad worked out of town so when he was home he needed to be the nice guy. He spanked me once when I was 9.

    I'm a perfect angel.

  6. My parents believed in "spare the rod, spoil the child" in others words I got whipped.  once I was older I was given a choice of a whipping or restriction.  I hated spanking so I chose restriction...then I eventually figured out that whippings only hurt for a short period of time and I began choosing them instead of restriction.  My parents caught on to my logic and took my choice away.  So then, I would get a whipping and grounded.

  7. Yelled at, hit with a wooden spoon up until a certain age, and then time out.  I don't think I ever was grounded but I was a good kid for the most part. I wasn't a troublemaker. I never got into trouble in school. I was a good student. My mom says me and my other brother were easy. My youngest brother was more challenging but he has ADHD.

  8. My mother would spank me until I was about ten, then I got grounded for everything. My mother would never yell at us that much, but she could make a lasting impact with her hand on your bottom

    My dad was not as strict as my mom, he was in the army. He spanked me twice that I can remember. He tended to yell way more than my mom.

    It worked, I have respect for both of them and I think I turned ok. I am married now and have four of my own.

  9. i would get the wooden spoon across the butt if it was bad :) and sent to my room or time out in a chair...or have tv or something taken away, phone or play time outside or my bike.  That usually seemed to work until I was a teenager and thought my parents were dumb and I was above and beyond them...then I'd push my limits and just be grounded I would say all in all those punishments worked :)

  10. When I was really small my parents used redirection.

    As I got older I "graduated" to a spanking.  This was done with a number of things - hand to behind, wooden spoons and belts.

    My parents then attended a seminar on parenting your children with love that was offered through a local church and stopped spanking cold turkey and took up disciplining us by a positive reinforcement and negative consequence method.  By this time we were old enough to talk to them and vocalize our displeasure with certain things, and we were old enough to be talked to about what we'd done wrong.  As a result of my parents respecting me, I respected them and got through my teen years without much trouble at all.

  11. i got my *** whipped.

  12. I got yelled at by mom , but never smacked. I was a daddy's girl , an he never raised his Voice or his hands to me.

    I guess it worked , I'm not a bad person in life. I work full time , an raisin 2 girls on my own. I guess my parents did a good job.

  13. lol my mom whoooooped my butt and as i got older i respected her and relaxed cause i understood why.  see there is a limit in things that we do in life.  the life we live there are rules to follow and if children can't follow the rules at home that is there to protect them because talking all the time doesn't work then so be it.   i rather get my butt whooped then get locked up...  when u look at it its true what they say i spank u cause i love you ...  my mom's words and i understand why because when i see children disrespecting there parents and parents just be as stupied i  just say  i kids no better.  

    example > i was shopping and this little boy cursed his mommmms out because he couldn't get what he wanted and she told him i'm going to put u in the corner when we get home.  now honestly what does that do.

  14. I didn't really get any. Although, my brother would often discipline me. He still does.

  15. I got grounded. then ungrounded promptly. didnt respect my mom for that reason.

    my grandma on the other hand....i had alot of respect for her.

  16. wow i got my **** kicked! I knew when i was in trouble just by the look on my moms face.. her eyes would get real big and then boy she would lay it on me!!!

    and my dad, he hurt when he spanked me.. but one thing is true, i wouldnt do that again, thats for sure....

    i think these kids now adays need a good whooping of the ****... time outs and being a friend to your kid isn't working out that great... why do parents get punished for punishing their kids... doesn't make sense.

    I think it worked for me... im not a menace and I don't cause trouble and it didnt cause me to want to beat other people up, i think thats just an excuse from shrinks to not spank your kids b/c they will become violent.... im not violent.... im very peaceful... only when I am provoked do i protect myself...

  17. I got spankings with my dad's bare hands or if I was really bad He spanked me with a belt. Other times I was put in a time out on the couch with my back turned towards the wall.  As I got older if I was bad my TV privileges and computer privileges were taken away and I couldn't leave the house.

  18. They didnt as such , they just used to shout at me and i wouldnt get any sweets etc which at a young age meens alot haha

    so i learnt what was right and wrong most of the time just through that

  19. My mom yelled all the time for every little thing. She took away allowance, canceled plans and hit us with things like wooden sticks and hairbrushes. She was pretty unstable and angry a lot of the time.

    My dad hardly ever disciplined us. He only spoke up when we were REALLY out of line. So we grew up respecting him more, because he didn't yell constantly like my mom.

  20. i was put in the corner

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