
What kind of punishment should this soldier get?

by Guest57941  |  earlier

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For those of you who haven't read the news, a video surfaced on CNN showing a soldier taking a helpless puppy and chucking it off a cliff. If you haven't seen it, here is the link:

Warning: It is disturbing to watch.

What kind of punishment does this Marine deserve in your opinion?




  1. He should be sentenced to death. Why in the world would he throw a helpless puppy off a cliff. The puppy was cute too. What a jerk!!

  2. Don't need to see the video....he should suffer the same fate!

  3. Throw him and his buddy that didn't stop it over a cliff also, into an errupting volcano!!!!!!!! (after his fingers a cut off one by one ).  I did a Yahoo search under "news marine puppy cliff", and there a million news articles on it, worldwide.........the b@$#@**!!!!!!!!

  4. he is a marine and the marines are part of the navy which both have high standards that the army doesn't really have .I'm not putting the army down i have a son in law serving right now but leave it to the marines they will find the right punishment or job for him if hes lucky to still be wearing the uniform when caught and brought to trial

  5. sorry can't watch the link but i don't think his life will be worth living

    he has disgraced his regiment , and his nation lets just say i think he may have an accident soon

  6. Mikie Believes Everything!

    It's a FAKE.

    Watch the "puppy" bounce.

    "Bounce"?  it should "splat"!

    It's a stuffed toy.

    Give me your photo and 10 minutes and I can make it so that YOU are throwing Hillary over the "cliff".

    Nobody could take this seriously.  This is only believable if you don't support the troops.  Stop bashing, start being honestly skeptical.

  7. Chuck the odious little toad off a cliff too, on to some very sharp rocks.

  8. OMG!! how cruel !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say we pick him up by the scruff of his neck (or rather shirt) and throw him over a cliff.see how he likes it..

  9. 1. He isn't a soldier. He is a Marine. There is a difference.

    2. A careful review of the video shows him throwing a stuffed animal. Not a live dog.

    3. He will face punishment, at minimum, for violating Article 134 of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice for actions tending to reflect discredit upon the armed forces.

    4. A historical review of this site will show there were no questions posted when the video of Khalid Sheik Mohammed beheading the journalist Daniel Pearl hit the internet. Throw a stuffed animal and people go ballistic.

  10. Brig, making dust out of very big, hard rocks. Dishonorable discharge.

  11. I think someone should chuck him over a cliff.

    But according to my husband who is a Soldier he didn't break any laws.

    He's the most hated man everywhere right now..

  12. I say we should ripped his apart!

  13. I  went  to  the  link  you  provided  and  saw  no  such  thing.  I  highly  respect  the  Marines,  and  all  other  U.S,  Military.  Btw,  dude,  I  am  not  that  easily  deceived,  you're  making  yourself  look  stupid  when  you  try  to  tell  me  a  lie;  I don't  just  take  your  word  for  something,  I  usually  investigate.

  14. Not just throw him off a cliff, but launching him from a medieval catapult to see how far he goes into the air before he goes "splat!" on the ground.

    Seriously, I think the Pentagon needs to recheck their psychological evaluation protocol for recruits because obviously, it has some major flaws if that deranged ***hole passed it and was given a weapon.

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