
What kind of quesions can be answered and solved by science?

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what kind of questions can be answered by science and what kind of questions can be solved by science? what kind of questions are outside the realm of science?




  1. Science can be used to answer questions about what is observable.  All other questions are irrelevant.  

  2. Science is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

    Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena.

    Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study. ****

    Methodological activity, discipline, or study:

    " I've got packing a suitcase down to a science. "

    If you read that quote, you can understand that you can look at anything in terms of science. This doesn't mean it is the only way to look at it, but it is always one way to look at it. No question is outside the realm of science because science is observation and explanation of anything and a question is an observation that wants a explanation. So really, again this is only one way to look at it, questions and answers themselves are science.


  3. "How?" Is a science question, like "how did the solar system come about?"

    "Why?" Is not; as in "Why am i here?"

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