
What kind of questions do they ask at finance related graduate position interviews?

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i herd some ask really odd questions..

or do things like when you walk in..throw a ball at you! and depending on whether or not you catch ittt..which could decide your fate!!

or things like..when you walk in they just go..impress me.

or whats 29 got 5 seconds.

=o =o




  1. Can you count? Would be an obvious question.

    But you need to perfect your English and learn to write a grammatically correct sentence before you can even contemplate going for an interview.  

  2. A job in any of "the big ones" requires accuracy and attention to detail. You have to be on the ball all the time.

    If your spelling is sloppy on Yahoo Answers (and incidentally, it's hardly a requirement that you are German or speak German, to spell Deutsche Bank properly), it's a sign that you're not likely to make the grade. Sorry if this comes as a disappointment to you.

    As an investment banking recruitment consultant, I can tell you that a cocky attitude won't get you very far.  We meet that sort every day.

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