
What kind of questions should i expect at a job interview?

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construction job




  1. Can you left over x*x pounds?

    What kind of experience do you have in construction?

    Do you have your own saftey equipment (helmet, gloves, boots etc.)?

    Depending on the type of construction, they'll ask if you know how to operate the equipment they work with.

  2. How much can you lift?

    Have you worked around dangerous equipment before?

    Do you know how to handle various construction tools?

  3. What kind of toilet paper do you use?

    What is the answer to this problem: When there are polymolecular exponential forces, what kind of ions circulate them? State the ten steps to the process and state what kinds of chemical reactions happen and when.

    How long can you do jumping jacks for? Why?

    you know, those kinds of questions

  4. Are your tools in working order?

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