
What kind of quiet activities can i do to stay up really late?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Why do you want to??

    I find playing final fantasy 7 (on the old play station) worked really well and you can pick it up for pennies now :)

    I have seriously spent 28 hours straight on that game.

    Hope I was helpful. Oh and coffee lots of it  :)

  2. you can play ds or read under the blanksets with a flash light

  3. Computer games with head phones, it works best if you have a laptop you can take into a quiet room in your house away from other people.

  4. Orr.. just stay up on msn, play some xbox, play some ps3, computer games.

    If you dont have ps3 or computer games then visit:

  5. use headphones and watch a really sad movie on youtube or ovguide. i watched odd girl out one time and it made me cry, so i was like wide awake b/c of the tears in my eyes lol. i stayed up till 5 in the morning!

  6. You can get magazine articles and cut out pictures and words and write a letter and make it funny or you can build yourself a mini town out of construction paper 3 D of course or you can write a "not make any sense short story". My fav is to make hand made "leather paper". You get a piece of construction paper and crumble it over and over and smooth it out on an edge of a night stand or desk, but keep crumbling and smoothing till it feels like leather and then make picture or art.

  7. listen to your ipod... heavy metal works best

    also you can twiddle your thumbs

    pinch ur self sounds stupid but it works!  

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