
What kind of "change" is Barack Obama proposing that can be achieved realistically?

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He is promising so many things to so many people. He will never be able to deliver and why do we need another elitist politician and their empty promises?




  1. higher taxes to the hard working middle class and more government hand outs to the lower class.  the upper class dont care because they are rich.  they want out of iraq regardless of the consequenses.

  2. your guess is as good as mine...he needs to shut up with the "Hope" and "Change" c**p though.  if he doesnt deliver on this change shortly, i'm going to shoot myself.

  3. Nothing he says is realistic... there are not enough hours in the days and certainly not enough money.. I don't know how he thinks he can accomplish anything.

    But he is such a know it all and a liar he will just keep on feeding it to the sheep that listen...then he will get elected and say.. oh, well everything was too bad because of Bush.  Does he think we are all stupid.. of course things are bad because of Bush.. so why lie to us that you can fix it all

    He has already started to the flip flop and the back peddle.. saying he didn't really say this;;; or that.. but  it's on tape.. we know his lies very easily.... all he wanted was the nomination.. you know what he will do for us???? Bugger all!!

  4. What change he can promise is that he's going to raise everyone's taxes. That won't just be the rich, it will be anyone with a paycheck. If you don't believe me, just wait. It's true. He's a socialist that believes that YOU have too much and need to share with those who have less. It doesn't matter if those others don't like to work, don't want to work, uneducated, unskilled, or still have too much and need to learn to share.

  5. No president can deliver anything by themselves. The US has three branches of government that are supposed to balance one another. At least he wouldn't be another Republican.

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