
What kind of rabbit do i have?

by  |  earlier

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my rabbit is tan and her ears stick up. she is about the size of both my hands and as far as i know she is about 8 weeks old. she has a white tail. i have had her for 2 weeks, and she has gotten about 30% bigger in that time. any ideas on how big she will get?




  1. Go th the ARBA web site and go to pictures and pick your breed that a way keeping in mind it might be a mix breed

  2. I love rabbits, yours looks just like mine did, they can get up to 3 feet tall though..

  3. put a picture of photobucket (sign up first) then post the link

    well to me, she personally looks as if she has the shape of a polish rabbit

    actually looking again she also looks like she could be a min rex

  4. I need a picture to better determine what breed it is.

  5. do u have a picture of her?

  6. picture???

  7. Our bunnies look exactly like that! They have big white cotton tails and perky ears. Does anyone know what breed of bunny that is?

  8. Your rabbit looks like a breed called "Palomino". If you look it up under rabbit breeds on the web,it will give you pictures and information.

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