
What kind of racism i have to face...... in adelaide ... australia? im a indian teenage student.. ?

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im a indian student.. moving to adelaide.. for studying.. travel and tourism course from tafe.. south australia.. and i have read.. the views of indians .. students about australian racist.. ppls.. that they are.. really rude to.. indians.. and taunt them alot... if is it true.. then plese guide me to get away from this?




  1. I think us Australians as a whole generally are a nice and cool bunch.

    You will get the few mean racist people in Adelaide but tell me one place in the World where there isn't any mean people or racism - so it's just as good/bad as probably any other city/country.

    I know of several people who've been to Adelaide and according to them they said it seemed pretty scary/dangerous at times (again that can be any other city/country as well) but I've never heard of them saying it was racist. Hope that makes you feel better about the place :-)

    P.S. I'm a Sydneysider who has never been to Adelaide so I'm sorry I can't offer any personal experiences.

  2. I'm really surprised that you've heard that australians are racist like that. Im 17 and from sydney and most of my friends are indian, its no big deal.

    Australia is a very multicultural country and we're used to people from all different countries here so I don't think racism is an issue.

    Don't worry about it, I'm sure it will be fine! Have fun in adelaide!

  3. Australians are accepting of newcomers, wherever they come from. The only people who have problems here (regardless of race or country of origin) are those who arrive expecting trouble and who go around with a chip on their shoulders.

    Approach Aussies with an open mind and a friendly smile and you will be accepted and welcomed.

    You should be aware though, that the Australian sense of humour is different from what you have been accustomed to. Australians tend to 'rubbish' everyone - other Australians, New Zealanders, Poms (English people), South Africans, Indians, Septic Tanks (Yanks = Americans) everyone. It is done in a genuinely joking manner, but can sometimes be difficult to detect if you're a newcomer. Give as good as you get. If someone says the Indian cricket team is a bunch of cheats or they can't play cricket, tell them that at least they can bat better than Ricky Ponting did in the ICLmatches, or remind them who won the last limited over series - anything will do as a comeback. Keep it friendly and bantering and you will get on OK.

  4. No, not at all. We welcome everyone.

    Just don't come here and act like you own the place like every other person from other countries do. If you do, then you will be taunted.

  5. I am totally amazed that you have been told that you will have problems in Australia .As an Aussie myself I have never heard of people of Indian decent having problems here.We have so many different races living here that if we all started to be rude to our fellows we would probably be rubbishing half of our population. Adelaide is a very quiet City and I dont think you will have any problems.We do have the occasional idiots that will pick on Muslims and Asians but these are in the minority. Dont worry I am sure that you will enjoy your stay in our Country.Welcome to Aussie.

  6. Australia is a beutiful country inhabited by the most racist people.It has a very racist past and its not much different now.Though people will be freindly on your face but you will realize that you are not wanted there.They will say you are my freind but stay away from me.

    What I mean to say is that these Australians have inhabited the beutiful land of aborigins and made it h**l,Stay in India or else you will regret.These people will say that they are not racist because if international students come there,its economy will collapse as the local students there are educated from international students money.

  7. You'll be right mate, just go with the flow. There are racists everywhere not just in Australia. I struck a few on my last trip to Delhi especially when I headed north into the Punjab. But I didn't let it spoil my appreciation of your beautiful country and its lovely people. So don't worry about it mate. It's not as bad as you've been led to believe. Enjoy your stay.

  8. Be assertive (and sometimes aggressive) with people when required and blunt to rude people. Dont be apologetic about being Indian. Never walk out at night alone, go in groups. Try to make friends with everybody when you go there.

  9. It's a difficult question to answer.  Australians are no more or less racist than people in other countries: that is, you'll always find racist individuals, wherever you go.

    The other aspect of it is that, again, much as in other countries, the further you travel from major city centres. the more bigotry you're likely to encounter.  On  the scale of cities, Adelaide is pretty small.  Haven't been there for years, so I can't say what the indian population is like, or what troubles they experience.

    Here in melbourne, however, the indian population is huge, and welcome (though again, you'll always encounter individuals who are tools).

    On the up side, if you do encounter racism, there are legal channels that you can and should follow it up through.

  10. I live in Adelaide and have never even considered being nasty to an indian person or anyother nationality for that matter. I have never heard or seen any bad things about Indians. I highly doubt you will have any issues at all :)

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