
What kind of regulation should be in place for producers of carbonated beverages when faced w/ CO2 increasing?

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global warming?

consider the following links:

since the majority of wine is not sparkling, there is an opportunity to capture the carbon at the source (moreover, the carbonation occurs naturally, as opposed to be introduced artificially in sodas)

Should artificially carbonated beverage production be banned?

Should breweries and sparkling wine producers have to compete for a limited number of permits since their carbonation will be passed on to the consumer?

What other ideas could you imagine?




  1. there should be be restrictions or extra charges.

    the CO2 that is used to carbonate these drinks comes from the atmosphere so once you open the drink it is just re released. the net effect being zero.

  2. jailed, killed or tortured   let the judges decide. now lets go out and get them.

  3. Regulations:

    Ingredients must be edible.

    Ingredients must be listed on container.

    As  a corporation, they must report their corporate condition quarterly.

    ...basically, the same regs they're currently under.

  4. Tax everything but Coors Light!

  5. None.

    Carbonation in soda is extracted from the natural carbon cycle, so it doesn't add to global warming.

    Fermenting of grapes is a different story.

  6. Hmmmmm ... good point.

    Gotta love the comment that the carbonation is from natural sources. Seems as though many bottlers are manufacturing the CO2 for their bottling purposes...

    You may have something here... But then, we've got folks claiming that we have "moved beyond the carbon debate" so we are no longer putting CO2 into the man-made global warming debate... Right?

    As you've noticed, the finger-pointing is endless - The US and white Europe is to blame for all the CO2 and must curtail their economic activities... or pay off "green" companies by buying carbon credits. When debating the man-made global warming crowd may claim CO2 is no longer the cause of the problem but a symptom... but the US and white Europe must still curtail their economic activites.

    Climate change has occured since the Earth first cooled billions of years ago. It has occured repeatedly the last few thousand years.

    What kind of SUV did the wooly mammoth drive?

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