
What kind of relief do menthol cigerattes give u?

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like what are the positve effects/ feelings tell me im a first time smoker




  1. Please try not to get addicted for your own sake and the people who care about you.

    You will be relieved of a long life expectancy and quite a bit of cash.  

  2. you shouldn't smoke. it causes cancer and makes you smell like an ashtray.

  3. I am so glad there are other people out there that are new to smoking. People need to realize that it's a choice that only we can make. Curiosity is way more powerful than a strangers answer to a question online. I want to smoke. I know it's bad and it's gross. But I WANT TO. And if you do as well, continue. You know the risks. If you're smart enough to not start good for you. If you're like me, and actually have a desire to smoke, do it.

    I actually prefer regular cigarettes. I haven't tried too many menthols but it's too minty for me.

  4. Hey dude, first of all, please, do not smoke! People say it all the time , but seriously. I wish I never touched a cigarette. Now I am a  full time smoker for 2 years. But I have quit now for a week after tons of efforts.

    Menthol cigarettes are actually worse than regulars since they open your lungs more to those chemicals. Did you know that cigarettes have more than 100 unnatural poisonous chemicals in them?

    Seriously, think about it. Stay away from people that do smoke as much as you can. It's really not as "cool" as it seems.

    I don't know you personally, but I really wish for you that you do not smoke. There is no "positive effect", on the contrary, only negative effects.

  5. none

  6. All cigarettes calm anxiety, but playing sports does the same thing.

    There's nothing positive about any cigars. I smoke, by the way, so trust me. If I could go back to the moment I first smoked, I would have never done it. So quit now, before you regret it.

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