
What kind of rights do illegals obtain by marrying a citizen whom they have kids & have lived togthr 4 years?

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What kind of rights do illegals obtain by marrying a citizen whom they have kids & have lived togthr 4 years?




  1. None, marriage and fertility do not figure into US immigration law. The illegal can still be deported and banned for 10 years. In fact it happens all the time.

    If you wish to fix your mistake, you have to return to your home country and the US citizen can petition after you have served your penalty time.

  2. None.

    Their status in terms of immigration is still an illegal alien. Their status does not change, and their rights relating to immigration status does not change. The fact they are the married a citizen and have children with that citizen doesn't make the illegal alien eligible for any benefits or bestow any rights from when they were an illegal alien and not married and had no children.

  3. None what so ever, they have the right to take their family and return to their home where they belong, that is 4 years of being a criminal in this country and have to return home to apply, hopefully with a ten year ban.

    Report and Deport!!!

  4. If the person is an illegal alien and marries a united states citizen they have the right do become legal because they can file their papers to become a resident then later on a united states citizen...but when they go to immigration they have to prove that they are in fact in love and not together for papers. They ask a lot of questions and you have to be careful what it is that you say...they cannot be deported...and after they file for papers they can file for employment authorization so they can work legally in the united states. So they do gain a lot of rights.

  5. They have the right to be arrested, deported, and banned from the US for 10 years. The US spouse on the other hand has the right to be arrested, sent to Federal prison for 5 years and/or fined $250,000. The children have the right to be put in foster care and become wards of the state. At least that is what the law says.

  6. No rights whatsoever.

    Their only way to become legal is leave the country voluntarily. Then their spouse (the US citizen) may apply for them to re-enter the US legally.

  7. Absolutely none.  Ask any of the upset spouses of illegal aliens who have been deported that get on this forum every day asking for advice and help.

  8. No rights

  9. Civil and human rights.

  10. Once their application gets approved they have all the rights that US Citizens do, except for the right to vote.  In some instances (not all of them) they may be required to travel to their country first and there wait for the approval.  Best bet would be to consult an immigration attorney or call USCIS to get up-to-date info as they immigration laws change all the time.

  11. They have the right to apply for citizenship.  Same basic rights as everyone else, work, pay taxes, be responsible,

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