
What kind of safety features will cars have in 2050?

by Guest64855  |  earlier

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any ideas welcome!




  1. no human drivers

  2. There is a good chance that cars as we know them won't exist.  Technology will be so different that we can only imagine.  The population will be much larger.  Cities will be much more crowded.  Travel by foot will be a necessity.  Good luck guessing.

    We know that computers will be incorporated into every little detail in the name of efficiency.  We also know that speeds will be regulated.  Braking might be automatic.  Perhaps self-driving cars will be popular if not cost prohibitive.  Cost is going to be a major issue.  We are approaching a time when the car in the U. S. will be unaffordable except for a few who have more money than average.  We are also approaching a time when older cars will be illegal for environmental reasons.  Again, good luck guessing.

  3. Too many. I'm tired of seeing cars being catered to the lowest common denominator.

  4. ones that wont kill as many people.the world is growing fast.

  5. Self-piloting, night vision...

  6. I think most vehicles will be autonomous meaning they drive themselves - at least on freeways. I think we'll merge onto the freeway with a destination programmed into the car and then a computer will insert us into the flow and we sit back and enjoy the ride. Cars will probably communicate with other cars so that they can ride virtually bumper to bumper at high speeds and it will be safer than it is today.

    Car will be equipped with so many sensors and computer assistants that when we do take control of the wheel it will be virtually impossible to crash. Beyond that, who knows.

  7. Forward-collision warning systems, lane-departure warning and blind-spot warning devices, anticipatory braking, Rear-Looking Cameras and Radar, Rollover protection.

  8. Dont Know Lol. Cant Predict The Future.


  9. i dont know but i saw a commercial yesterday that tells you if someone is in your car before you even get close..its the coolest thing...its for a volvo and i want it so bad because i go to work at 4 or 5 in the morning sometimes and i always am paranoid that someone is in there....

  10. No drivers (no steering wheel, brake or gas pedals) and, except for seat belts, all protection devices would be eliminated...Sensors on the vehicles will eliminate collisions which will reduce insurance to virtually nothing.

    Just a guess since I won't be

  11. Device that will smack you if you text while driving

  12. It will be FIRST debut on a Mercedes S-Class around 2035...then make it mainstream to regular cars by 2050...

    It's been that way for about the past 70 years in terms of safety innovation...

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