
What kind of salt water should I use in my hermit crab cage?

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Sea salt???





  1. salt??????????????


    you do not need to put salt water in the cage. all they need is some water from the sink in a tiny shell they can drink out of with a little sponge u can get for hermit crabs. and then another shell for food. that is it! and calcium sand in the bottom and a net in the back for climbing purposes and maybe a rock decoration to climb on...that is it.  

  2. HI!! You dont know c**p bout hermit crabs.

    As for your question:

    Buy special salt from your local petstore. And sprinkle it in the water bowl. ABOVE ME: NICE ANSWER!

  3. IGNORE THE DING DONG ABOVE ME.  it's true that you only need to leave tap water in their cage to drink, but every other week or so, you need to give them a salt water bath so they can flush out the f***s, and urine out of their shell. just use regular sea salt for aquariums, and mix according to directions. the salt water needs to be shallow, about 3/4 of an inch. and let them soak in it for about a half hour or so.

  4. I'd recommend buying PETCO's PETCO Real Ocean Water.

    It's already pre-mixed, ph-balanced.

    Or you could purchase Zoo Med's starter

    Hoped I helped a bit. Good luck! ^_^

  5. YES your crab needs salt water, they live on ocean shorelines, which is salt water. You can buy hermit crab salt (salt) or hermit crab salt water conditioner (liquid).  When you prepare water for your crab you must dechlorinate it - you can buy a liquid that comes in a little bottle from the petstore to make the water safe for your crabs, do this for the fresh and salt water bowls...

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