
What kind of schools base grade level by year only?

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I always get my questions from other questions. The answer to the student who wanted to enter public school and his birthdate was Januaru 93 received answers with just the in 2002, 2001, etc.

Our school system begins at end of summer and the birthday cut-off dates are in October or November. So, for instance, a kid who was born in September 1992 would have began school just before turning 5. That would mean that he would have a 1992 birthday but be in the 10th grade.

I realize that this is homeschool section and grade levels are not so much an issue with our freedom with education process, but the answers really confused me. Is it a UK thing?




  1. In La we have cut off dates in October if the child is not 5 by I think October 31 then they go to school the next year. But that's only for kindergarten. Once the child is out of Kindergarten its based on they're grades not the age.

  2. It isn't just a UK thing, USA does that as well.

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