
What kind of scope is best for a 7MM Mag.?

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Just bought a Browning 7mm mag. I need to buy a scope for it. Everyone says I need to buy a 400.00 one because of the kick. It also has to be a silver scope because of the gun being SS.




  1. I have a Savage model 110 7mm Mag.that I bought over 10 years ago.I bought and still have on the gun a Tasco World Class 3x9x40mm.I have never had any trouble with it.I have taken almost two dozen deer with that setup,shots anywhere from twenty yards,to 175 yards.I think I paid 85.00 for the scope and the ring mount kit.A good cheap reliable scope in my opinion.

  2. You can spend lots more money for a scope, but you won't get a better scope than a Leupold.

    Your friends are more or less correct.  Cheaper lower quality scopes won't stand up to magnum recoil as well or as long as higher quality scopes.

    You've spent a good chunk of change on a high quality rifle with good long range capability.  Why would you want to handicap yourself by buying a Wal-Mart scope?

    I recommend Leupold Vari-X II or Vari-X III scopes in your choice of 3-9 x or 4-12x magnification.  And I like the 50mm lenses as well.


  3. Do not bother with a Vari-X II.   Stick with a VX-III or a Nikon Monarch.  You will be glad if you ever take shots in low light conditions.

    Silver colored scopes look nice on SS rifles, but I would rather spend the money on the glass than the color.   If a silver colored scope of high quality is affordable for you, that is great, but if a blued scope of higher quality fits your budget better, go for it.  The animal will not know what color the scope was and your buddies will envy your glass quality.

  4. My dad saw the light, literally, last year. He was using some old German scope he'd taken off his first gun. He had just gotten a 7MM Mag. and was shooting a 3X . I have no idea what the total magnification was, but it had an objective lense the same size as the tube and a European "post" sight. He missed a real nice deer last year while hunting with me and I asked to check out the set up. I bought a Leupold Vari-X I  3-9X50 for him and ran a box of rounds through after sighting it in. Now he claims he can see 30 minutes earlier and 30 minutes later than before and in much greater detail. ( I can't believe he killed elk with that old scope!) I paid $229 for the scope. It will cost few bucks more for stainless.

    He absolutely loves it and all I asked was for the old scope. It has some serious history, so I put it on a really nice 1960's era Remington .22.

    To the point though, Leupold makes great scopes and stands behind them for life. So, keep your box and register your scope. It's worth every penny

  5. I have had a lot of luck with Leupold, Burris, and Sightron.

  6. Buy a good stainless-steel Leupold Vari-X II or Vari-X III in 3-9X40 or preferably the 2.5

    -10X50. I have the latter on my 7mag. and it can really reach out there. Everybody is going to have a favorite, but   for "good scopes" starting at about 200 to 400 bucks you'll hear a lot of people recommendig Leupold. They sell solid scopes.

    Think about it this way...You've got a real nice gun, Why not put a real nice scope on it and not have to worry about it?

  7. i also have a browning 7mag.the rule of thunmb is if you use cheap glass your guns become cheap.a great scope for about $275 is the leupold var,1 3x9x50.the 50 will give you extra hours of hunting due to light need to spen more on a scope unless you just want to.just because the gun is silver does not mean the scope has to be silver.go to and look at the scopes.they are just about what stores are charging.due to really bad eyes i had to spend more on a scope to get good glass.there was a guy on ebay selling these scopes at about half price. i got a swarovski 4x12x50 with a 4a not pay any attention to the posters saying pic the var,2 or var.111.i have had all three and i never saw enough difference to warrant the big hike in costs,the var.1 is alot cheaper and just as goo. it carried a lifetime warrant just like the others.

    -----------retired texas deputy sheriff-----------

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