
What kind of sentence is my friend looking at for obtaining goods and services by deception?

by  |  earlier

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It totals around 8 or 9 thousand pounds. It was his first ever offence and he admitted and was totally truthful in interview etc. What sensibly is he looking at?




  1. probably probation and pay back whatever he stole.

  2. thats a fancy way of saying he is a thief,  right?  remember that people do know and understand  ,  now he should be ready to pay it back, if he can do that immediately it will help , but if he must take time, then he needs to be prepared to show how he can do it,   * smile*

    Now ,  you need to know that it will depend on the pre-sentencing report, and what they think is the right punishment,  and what they think * your friend*  deserves. They will evaluate his ability to pay it back and his ability to stay straight and follow the rules of the probation,  

    If he has shown that he can do these things, then he has a good chance, but a lot depends on that pre-sentencing interview with the probation officer, so he needs to make a good impression,  

    good luck

  3. Why is it always,"the friend?"

    Own up!

    Most likely pay back the goods.

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