
What kind of sentence should these people be given?

by  |  earlier

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The ones that beat and starve their animals?




  1. ***** and basterd

  2. They should suffer the same fate as the animals they hurt, followed by life in prison.

  3. The sight of some of these animals    especially the dogs is sickening, and these people are not just cruel they are vermin, and the sentence that is given out to them is pathetic..... most with a fine which half of them will never pay. They should bring back the cat o nine tails and whip them until their backs bleed then throw them in Prison without food for three months hoping they die from it. They do this to their animals so why not to them. I would not let them l**k my shoes, but kick them in their teeth.

  4. Severe ones.

    I think they are sick and move onto children.  If a person can beat an animal ~ what would stop them beating their child?

  5. 100 lines of home-work punishment.

    "If you don't know me by now"

    Another 100 lines if the home-work not finish in time.

    "Children are to be seen and not to be heard"

    Another 100 lines if both home-work did'nt finish.

    "Stop in the name of love"

    Still fooling around?

    Another 100 lines.

    "Hurting each other"

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  6. Anyone who causes harm to any dumb-animal should never be allowed to own or care for any animal(s) again.

    Any harm they cause should be put on Public Record.

    Let everyone around these people know what their crimes are.

  7. They should be beaten and starved themselves. I cannot abide animal cruelty in any form.

  8. I am sickened by the animal abuse that goes on in this world and have seen and heard enough to last a life time! To put it mildly they should be publicly flogged and never ever allowed to go near animals again. Contrary to what some arrogant individuals think, animals were not put on this Earth for the amusement or sadistic pleasure of humans.

  9. Complex sentence with at least two adverbs in it and they will need to fully diagram them.

  10. A fatal injection! Bas****s! Those poor animals love you unconditionally!

  11. to me, animal abuse is worse than child abuse (i dislike children and think they a drain on society).  They should jailed for life where life means life!!!!

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