
What kind of services are there for children with ADHD?

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community services for children with adhd




  1. Contact your local health department.

  2. If you need help with schooling as the school is ignorant to accept them, you could appeal to the LEA to get a one to one tutor to help him/her at school.

    You can also go to the job centre to get a DLA claim pack (Disability living allowance) which can range from £12-£59 a week.

    I wouldn't suggest putting your child on medication as i know 4 people who have previously been on it and they lost great amounts of weight as it supresses your appetite and makes you feel sick when you try to eat. It also Makes you very tired and boring and when the child comes down off the medication at night their behaviour is 10x worse than usual.

  3. depends on where you are.  usually there's a free mental health clinic in the community that would help with the child.  They have group meetings for the kids and usually their parents to help them cope and may also provide meds.  Look under mental health in the phone book.  Also your child's special ed teacher or someone from the local welfare office should be able to refer you.  The local welfare office  usually has a printed list of community resources you could get a copy of.

  4. i have never heard of  any services for kids with adhd that i found.  or with any other learning disablility.

    i once found a parent support group for adhd.  but where i live now i am trying to find a support goup, or an advocate office.  and there is nothing close by.  i looked all summer for something for my son and there was NOTHING.

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