
What kind of shape should you be in to surf?

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i seem to read being a strong swimmer is good, when it comes to surfing. im not sure about other places, but here in canada, our swimming levels range from 1-12, im in 11. now i havnt gone swiming for a long time, but is it somthing i should, do or would good upper body strength be good, as i do push ups and situps every night. i also go running to work on endurance.

what else should i do to get into surf shape, im not fat or anything. im averaged sized male.




  1. holding ur breath dude

  2. you sound like you would do fine just make sure you have very strong arms or its just gonna work you hard under harsh conditions. your whole body needs to be strong or your not gonna get anywhere but like when you do your situps put a heavy weight on your stomach so it will get stronger,, work on your calf muscles and like i said your arms. swim alot and if you have a pool i would recommend taking your surfboard in it and paddle around your pool for like an hour or so , so yeah work hard and youll do fine..

    good luck


  3. As long as your not doing anything overly strenuous, pretty much anyone can surf. As long as you are in decent shape, even being overweight a little won't hurt anything, but don't plan on doing any crazy tricks. If your just out there to ride the waves, you should be fine. In fact, being a little overweight will help you float better if you fall off :)

  4. You can be in lousy shape and surf, I am living proof. However, to surf well, you want to be a fine shape. Don't forget, you have to be a strong swimmer, and have enough endurance to swim under possibly adverse conditions (leashes and boards break) rip currents, undertows and big waves can be challenging. Just getting outside in big surf requires a lot of exertion and water skills.

    The better shape you are in the better you will surf, there is no other answer. When I hone down a few pounds, and get back in the gym, I surf like a different guy. believe me, I am 55 and have been surfing for 42 years. When you are old and fat, being even a little out of shape is devastating.

  5. well i surf and im not in great shape, it really just requires balance and upper body strength.

  6. youve gotta be a strong swimmer

    strong arms and upper body help for the innitial getting up on the board

    and balance is needed

    other than that any shape will do!

    of course if youre fit and lean then it'll be easier to balance, manouver the board and get up but yeah the first 3 are a big advantage!

  7. I guess keep your wind up...Sometimes paddling out through choppy whitewater makes you wish you can run 5 miles.

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